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Friday, July 29, 2011

MURDER !!! Asher Dahan stabbed Rabbi Abuhatzeira to death

MURDER Asher Dahan

According to an initial investigation, the rabbi received the suspect for a conversation, during which he was stabbed for an unknown reason. The rabbi's students captured the stabber and handed him over to the police.

According to police sources, the suspect – who was granted a private audience – stabbed the rabbi in his upper body, inflicting lethal wounds. The man, identified as Asher Dahan, 42, from the central community of Elad, was said to have been unhappy with the rabbi's advice on marital issues.

The Beersheba Magistrate's Court extended Dahan's remand by 13 days on Friday and ordered him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

The investigation also revealed that the suspect had arrived at the yeshiva to consult the rabbi several times, and therefore was well familiar with the place.

Dahan's lawyer, Attorney Yuval Livadaro of the Public Defender's Office, said after the court session that "the suspect said he hadn't hoped for this result and is very sorry for what happened
הרצח המזעזע של רבי אלעזר אבוחצירה זצ"ל – היכה את העולם היהודי בהלם.

הרוצח הנתעב, אשר דהן, בן 42, תושב הדרום לשעבר שחזר בתשובה ועבר לגור באלעד.

לפי תושבים באלעד האיש נודע כבר בעבר כאדם אלים ומעורער בנפשו.

לדברי מכריו הוא מטופל כבר היום בתרופות פסיכיאטריות.

יצויין כי שעה קלה לאחר שהתפרסמה זהות החשוד ברצח, התאספו המונים בסמוך לביתו שבאלעד. בני משפחתו ששהו בבית, נמלטו דרך היציאה האחורית, בדרכם למקום מסתור


  1. i think its a crasy story!!

  2. i think he cant be jewish

  3. I don't care what you think

  4. My question is: what medications was he on? I understand he was depressed and on medications. Many murderers report taking antidepressants and having no control over their actions while on those medications. Maybe he was being over-medicated? Exactly what medicine was he on, what dosage? Who is the doctor who prescribed those medications for him? Did he take more than what the doctor ordered? When was that prescription written for him? Obviously the man had some sort of a black-out and was devastated when he found out what he had done. If you really are the investigator you claim you are, may I suggest, and ask, that you investigate this question further? Also, did he have a criminal record? Did he serve in the army? In what capacity? All questions that need answering before understanding what made him do what he did, which was obviously ego-alien ( against what he believed in).

    An Anonymous MD

  5. did he hear voices like levi aaron?.......

  6. whats going on - its unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. will we need metal detectors by all rebbe's?

  8. why dont asher dahan.. have in court.. let him tell the world ..why he did it. and what did elazar abuhetzeira do to him what he did to all his victims he took your money away by saying you give me 36.000 dollars or 52.000 dollars or 100.000 dollars or you die... death will fall on you ..or your wife.. or child ..if you don't pay... his specialty was curses. evil words. came out of his mouth.. let there be a court case ... or you will see no court.. case.. because they will expose his crimes ...

  9. Elazar abuhetzeira destroyed many people. with making them penniless. all his victims are broke. but he left his family over One hundered million dollars in cash. Just imagine. And a palace from 30 million dollars made all this money from cursing you. you pay or you die. No pictures where allowed no phone when you went to him. there should be no evidence. of his evil curses.and coning you Shame on him.

  10. Hey your right no telephone or pictures or recording where aloud when you went to him in his palace no evidence of his cursing. And conning you but god saw what he did when he called himself a baba. When he was a crook.
