A Chicago attorney fired from her Chief of Staff position for professional misconduct is facing disciplinary action before a state board after a public report details two years of misbehavior and wild accusations.
Tamara Tanzillo, 52, is accused of exposing her breasts to co-workers and coming to work intoxicated, both more than once, leading to sanctions from an Illinois disciplinary body for misconduct and criminal acts.
Her attorney claims she's 'feeling the penalty imposed for refusing to do political work,' but she may soon face formal questioning that could potentially lead to interim suspension or disbarment if found guilty.
Ms Tanzillo was fired from her Chief of Staff position at the Illinois Department of Health and Family Services in November of 2009 for engaging in 'arguably decadent personal behavior,' according to an inspector general report.
In one of the earliest accusations 'in or about July' of 2007, Ms Tanzillo is accused of arriving to her Springfield office building, slurring her words, smelling strongly of alcohol and identifying herself, or in the report's reference the 'Respondent,' repeatedly as the 'Boss Lady' to the guard for admittance.
'The guard escorted Respondent into the building where Respondent began doing a hula dance in the elevator,' the report states. 'Respondent left the office later that morning.
In a following event that year, 'at an after-hours event for the opening of the Chicago office of two lobbyists, Respondent was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs and fell to the floor screaming, then ran outside into traffic.
In February 2008, at approximately 5:30-6:00am, Respondent called the guard of her Springfield office building and stated that she was unclothed in a car outside and further stated that she required something to wrap around her in order to enter the building.
A while later, two women brought Respondent a coat to cover herself, and all three entered the building, with Respondent wearing the coat wrapped around her, covering her head and face,' the report further accuses.
In following accusations, however, Ms Tanzillo's exposure of her breasts become an increasing issue of concern.
On April 2, 2008, Respondent entered J.P. Kelly’s, a tavern in Springfield, and exposed her breasts to two State officials, after which Respondent conversed with those officials for several minutes.
At the time of the incident, Respondent was also unsteady on her feet and had been drinking.
Ms Tanzillo is furthermore accused of exposing her breasts to female co-workers within their office, requesting their opinion on her recent breast augmentation surgery, on two separate occasions.
Lastly, in a final reported promiscuous event:
On January 6, 2009, at approximately 1:30 a.m., Respondent appeared at her Springfield office building dressed in sleepwear and barefoot, escorted by a man.
Respondent requested a master key from the guard, proceeded upstairs to the executive offices, and then returned the key to the guard at the main entrance. Respondent and the man entered the elevator hugging and kissing.
'Respondent and her companion left the office at about 6:30 a.m.
Outside of these specifically named instances, Ms Tanzillo is as well accused of harassing another co-worker - sending text messages and phone calls 'threatening to keep their mutual acquaintance from getting or keeping a job within the state if he continued to see [her.]'
All this accused 'decadent personal behavior,' it's claimed, brought 'the legal profession into disrepute,' costing her her $118,000-a-year job.
Among a second reason for her release, Ms Tanzillo was let go for reportedly shopping on the clock.
Last month Ms Tanzillo's attorney filed a 32-page whistle-blower lawsuit for her.
The attorney claims the report is merely retaliation for refusing political work for the administration of the city's former mayor, Rod Blagojevich, who was Wednesday sentenced to 14 years in prison for 18 charges of public corruption.
Ms Tanzillo herself now faces three charges of Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation in employment as Chief of Staff of HFS as well as criminal conduct.
She also, according to her 'Red Letter Law' blog - described as 'This lawyer's fresh look at the scarlet letter and how society and government regulations help and hinder our sense of self, independence and freedom' - is currently having a hard time affording these breasts she has a reported habit of exposing since losing her state position.
When I elected to have breast enhancement surgery I was well-paid public servant with a good health insurance policy that covered all of the other stuff,' she writes.
When I was bucking the system and fighting for others and working in a toxic environment I did not anticipate the need for a boob fund,' she writes in financial worry.
I looked at myself in every angle possible. Was I dreaming? Was the lighting bad? The touch test confirmed my worst fears. My right girl was down,' she reported in September.
In a complaint written by the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission they request her handling be 'assigned to a panel of the Hearing Board, that a hearing be held and that the panel make findings of fact, conclusions of fact and law and a recommendation for such discipline as is warranted.'
According to the Supreme Court of Illinois, the conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or 'conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals' could be ground for interim suspension or disbarment.
Conversely to the acknowledged bearings in a lot of added countries, unless the adjustment is notarized any acceding is invalid.
ReplyDeleteCondo Management
Breast implants do help self-confidence and self-image, as stated in this article, http://www.plasticsurgeryguide.com/why-women-get-breast-implants.html . But I think she got the wrong idea as she just showed them to anyone in the office.
ReplyDeleteRat-Shit Crazy!!!