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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gevalt! NY - Orthodox Man In Custody After Wife Found Dead

Arthur Rubin


NEW YORK — On Tuesday night the NYPD was searching for a man after finding his wife murdered earlier in the day.

It was still an active crime scene at 6 p.m. in the 200 block of Crafton in the Westerleigh section of Staten Island. Police taped the street off, surrounding a house here where a woman was found murdered, and her husband is now missing and wanted for questioning, reports CBS 2’s Derricke Dennis.

Police were called to the seen at around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. The victim has been identified as 63-year-old Eva Rubin. Police sources told Dennis she was strangled, and had visible choke marks on her neck.

Her husband, Arthur Rubin, was last seen leaving the home in the couple’s green colored, Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. Neighbors said both are orthodox Jews, and members of a synagogue right around the corner, Young Israel of Staten Island.

“I’m completely shocked, terrible tragedy. I knew the husband a little bit, one of the daughters. Terrible tragedy,” neighbor Adam Negnewitzky said.

Neighbor Nancy Shrem said Arthur Rubin was just at her house last week.

“I can’t believe it. He’s a very nice guy,” Shrem said.

The medical examiner will have to determine the exact cause of death. Meanwhile, police continue to look for the victim’s husband.

WILLOWBROOK, NY (PIX11) -- Police on Staten Island are questioning a man whose wife was found dead inside her home Tuesday, authorities said.

Eva Rubin, 63, was discovered around 1:30 p.m. inside her Crafton Ave. home in Willowbrook, police said. According to published reports, she was found face-up on a bed with bruises and marks on her neck.

Rubin was a 4th grade teacher at the Yeshiva Merkaz on Staten Island.

Her husband, 64-year-old photographer Arthur Rubin, is now being questioned after he gave himself up during a manhunt. According to a police source, he turned himself in to his rabbi 18 hours after he fled the couple's home.

"It's just something where we just have to make peace with it," said Rabbi Saul Eisner. "It reflects what's happening in the world." reported that police were notified after Rubin had texted "sorry" and that "he couldn't take it anymore" to his son-in-law, who found Mrs. Rubin dead.

Many who knew the couple were incredulous, "We know them as a couple. We went to Israel with them," said Norman Koller.

He is currently being held at the 122nd precinct, according to police.

An autopsy will be performed tomorrow by the Medical Examiner's office to determine the cause of death

According to a VIN News source Mrs Rubin taught in a yeshiva on Staten Island. Neighbors said both are orthodox Jews, and members of a synagogue right around the corner, Young Israel of Staten Island.

Meanwhile the Mid Hudson News is also reporting That the couple has a summer residence in Sullivan County in the Town of Thompson, and police think he may have headed there. Sullivan Sheriff’s deputies did go to the Clearview Bungalow colony and checked out his unit, which appeared to have been visited earlier in the day.
A Staten Island man wrote an apology to relatives on Tuesday before his longtime wife was found dead in the bedroom of their home, police sources said.

The body of Eva Rubin was discovered by her son-in-law inside her Willowbrook home about 1:30 p.m., after he received an alarming message from the woman's husband, cops said.

"I'm sorry for what I did," the 64-year-old husband, Arthur Rubin, wrote in an email to relatives.

Then he called his son-in-law and told him to go to the Crafton Ave. house, a source said. The 63-year-old woman was found in the couple's bedroom, sources said.

The city medical examiner hasn't determined the cause of death, but a source said there were "unexplained markings on her neck," suggesting she may have been strangled.

The husband - who neighbors said has five children with his wife - went missing for several hours after he sped off with the dead woman's car, but was later taken into custody, cops said.

Rubin, a photographer and videographer, was being treated at a local hospital Tuesday night.

A distraught neighbor who has known the family for 30 years said she refused to believe the husband had anything to do with his wife's death.

"Not possible," said the woman, who lives two blocks away.

Friends and neighbors said the couple had long been active in the local Jewish community, and they never expected such a tragedy to happen in the Rubin family.

"It's a big shock," said Yonatan David, 37. "I hope it wasn't him."

David said his mother and the late Rubin taught together at a Jewish preschool in Brooklyn.

"She always had a smile," he said of Rubin. "There wasn't a nicer person."

Another neighbor withheld judgment.

"He's just a really nice guy," said the 46-year-old, who asked not to be identified. "You just never know with somebody."


  1. nebech such a bed shulem bayis

  2. He can get out of trouble if he hires O.J.s lawyer

  3. Sometimes (and I'm not saying this is the case here), a wife puts up with horrible emotional and/or physical abuse for years. She pretends, because of embarrassment, that she's O.K. Others see through it, but not always. She covers for him and covers for him and covers for him. All to save face. Look around. You'd be surprised at how many marriages like this exist. How do I know? I was in one of them. Why did I get out? A Rav at shul noticed how controlling my husband could be, and very perceptively saw through my "smiles." His wife took me by the hand and led me to a good therapist. Baruch Hashem, I made a tough decision and never looked back. May Eva's death be a wake-up call to all those living with emotional pain. Even if you see it as normal, listen to the tiny voice inside you saying, "something's wrong." HaMakom Yenachem Es HaMishpacha.

  4. I had met Eva A"H" casually when I was ~12-14 years old and we had a few friends in common. I saw her once at a teacher's dinner for many scools and she introduced me to Arthur. I was glad to go down memory lane a bit. This is a huge terrifying wake up call to all wives. If you have financial woes, emotional trauma, etc., try getting help. I extend condolances, may the family be comforted. Hamokem Yinachem ...
