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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Drug Rehabilitation for the Jewish Orthodox - Frum World

TOT Consulting is now offering an A-Z drug and alcohol rehabilitation program uniquely designed for the Jewish Orthodox community.

One on one individual attention for your addiction ( our motto) Only Jewish orthodox rehabilitation center located conveniently in New York City! Don't fool yourself that you can do it on your own!

Have you or a loved one ever had a problem with drug or alcohol addiction? If yes, I'm sure you know the horrible and traumatic effects this can have not only on the individual with the problem, but also on the ones closest to the individual. Do you know how many marriages have been ruined because of this ever rising issue; how many children have gone off the derech; how many people have left this world way too soon? Here at TOT Consulting, we have discovered through experience that once the primary problem of addiction is addressed, all of a sudden these secondary issues can be repaired. More often then not, families can be just that family again, marriages can be saved, and children can be brought back to the proper path. Arresting a disease of this magnitude takes hard work, professional help, and intervention. We are now proud to announce that we have designed a one-on-one drug rehabilitation program designed especially to help Orthodox Jews recover from this illness.

Each and every person has different ways of healing and that is why we cater to each and every individual’s needs. Unlike the conventional group rehab where you are forced to conform to the group, here we cater to your needs. This helps people rehabilitate in a much more permanent way.

We Offer:

•Gourmet Glatt kosher meals

•Minyan 3 times daily

•Shurium, Daf Yomi

•Therapist (on premises)

•Marriage counseling

•Family counseling

•Continuing education

•Physical fitness


•Outdoor recreation

•Drug testing

•Spiritual care



•Internet service

•Job placements

•Legal advice

•Shabbat meals with family

Specializing In:

•Family and marriage counseling -

putting families back together

•Regaining financial security

We never give up!

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