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Sunday, February 13, 2011

'Faker cops' in robbery

Were they cops-turned-robbers?

Internal Affairs Bureau investigators are probing whether two of New York's Finest fleeced a 67-year-old Brooklyn landlord in a Bedford-Stuyvesant bodega, sources said.

Two imposing men -- wearing bulletproof vests and carrying guns, handcuffs and walkie-talkies -- pulled the elderly man off the lotto line at E&M Grocery on Malcolm X Boulevard on Feb. 3.

They began searching his pockets.

"What are you, a drug dealer?" one of the men said when he found two thick rolls of cash, according the daughter of the elderly man, a Vietnam veteran whose name is being withheld because he fears retribution.

The two men -- who identified themselves at undercover cops, but not by name -- snatched a wad of bills worth $1,400, which the landlord had just collected in rent, the daughter said.

"You're lucky I didn't arrest you," one growled, recalled bodega clerk Francisco Sanz, 31.

After the man filed a report, IAB detectives returned to the corner store and showed photos of cops to the clerk, who didn't recognize any as the thieves.

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