SPRING VALLEY — The 5-year-old boy shocked after coming in contact with a fence that had apparently become electrified by a downed wire during Tropical Storm Irene has died from his injuries, authorities said Friday.
Reuven Herbst was critically injured Aug. 28 near his family's home at Merrick Drive and Union Road.
A neighbor and family friend who came to Reuven's aid, David M. Reichenberg, 50, was electrocuted.
Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin spoke briefly with Reuven's father Friday and said he was devastated.
"He's really down," Jasmin said. "This poor boy's been fighting for almost two weeks. Unfortunately , he didn't make it. It's just a terrible, terrible situation."
Neither Reuven's family nor a representative was available Friday as they were preparing to observe the Orthodox Jewish sabbath, community members said in the minutes before the sabbath began.
Reuven's father, Yehuda Herbst, also tried to help his son and was burned.
He was treated at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern and released.
Herbst this week credited Reichenberg for saving the life of his wife, Chava Leah Herbst, who was reaching out to help her son.
Reichenberg was killed when he grabbed the covered part of the downed wire to try to get it away from Reuven.
He moved it just before the boy's mother touched the child.
Yehuda Herbst thinks he survived because he was wearing rubber boots that insulated him against a fatal electric shock, family friends said.
Reuven was taken to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, where he was placed in the pediatric burn unit.
He died at the hospital, where his family had kept vigil.
Orange and Rockland Utilities Inc. came under criticism for its response to the downed wire.
Jasmin has said the company failed to make a timely repair even after village police told the company about the wire.
Spring Valley police Detective Reginald Anderson has said an investigation is continuing.
O&R also said it was conducting a review.
Boruch Dayan Emmes…
baruch dayan emes its so sad!!!!!