A 33-year-old woman employed by the Palm Springs Police Department was arrested on Monday for allegedly having sex -- and oral sex -- with a minor since he was 16.
City worker Alanna Reichle directs the Western Coachella Valley Police Activities League, or "a crime prevention program that puts police officers together with youth through educational, athletic and recreational activities," reports MyDesert.com. Her office is located in the Palm Springs Boys & Girls Club.
According to the league's website, its "summer program is open to ages 8 to 18." No word on whether that's how she met her victim, but...
... Cathedral City police Lieutenant Chuck Robinson says she's accused of "having an ongoing sexual relationship" with a boy who's now 17 years old.
In general, the accused 33-year-old is highly involved with young people in her community. A note to parents posted on the Jewish Community School of the Desert's Facebook page in October reads: "The third grade were off campus enjoying a visit to the Salton Sea as part of their Social Studies program and we thank Alana Reichle [sic] for helping to transport the class."
According to MyDesert, Reichle has been placed on administrative leave since her arrest on Monday (she quickly posted $50,000 bail). The online news outlet also reveals that last May, her husband, Riverside County Sheriff's Sergeant Ken Reichle, filed for divorce -- and that those papers listed two children between them.
From the report:
Richard Jenkins, president of the Palm Springs Youth League -- a baseball and softball league for children ages 4 to 15 -- said he was shocked when he heard the news of Reichle's arrest.
"That would be completely out of character for her," Jenkins said. ...
In 2008, she was presented with the Service to Youth award and in 2009, Western Coachella Valley PAL was named Outstanding Community Program.
This woman is not a police officer. She is a non sworn employee of the PSPD assigned to the Police Activities League and is employed by several law enforcement agencies.