An elderly Brooklyn woman died Saturday, a day after she was suffocated by her son - in what he claimed was a sympathy killing, sources said.
"I just smothered my mother," Yefim Tsirinsky, 52, told police 8 a.m. Friday, when he called the 60th Precinct Stationhouse in Coney Island to report the death.
When cops arrived to his W. 12th St. home, they found Frida Tsirinsky, 86, unconscious on her bed.
She was transported to Coney Island Hospital, where she died a day later.
The son, who is unemployed, admitted to suffocating his mother with a pillow after she asked him to kill her, sources said.
He was charged with second-degree murder and strangulation, a charge just signed into law last week to strengthen domestic violence cases.
Chesed Shel Emes is Currently working with the Office of the Medical Examiner & The NYPD homicide unit to assure that the Kavod Hames will be preserved.
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