Haredi news website banned by dozens of leading haredi rabbis.
So haredi rabbis banned VIN. Will VIN shut down? Will it subject itself to rabbinic editorial control and censorship? Or will it challenege the ban?
I'm hearing talks are underway for a hechsher, rabbinic seal of approval for all content, for VIN and other websites

Three Important Lithuanian Rabbis Did Not Sign the Vosizneias Ban
by Yerachmiel Lopin on 12/22/2010
Rabbi Dovid Feinstein and Rabbi Aron Feldman did not sign the ban on vosizneias. In addition Rabbi Belsky from Torah Vodas has not signed the ban. Why? I am sure they were asked. Rabbis Feinstein and Feldman are on the Moetzes (the Council of Torah Sages) of Agudath Israel of America. I would speculate that R. Feldman witnessed the fiasco of the Slifkin ban. He once backed him and has since backed away. However, he has seen that bans fail and Slifkin is still doing his valuable work in showing a derech for approaching science supported by many rishonim.
I invite my readers to offer their thoughts about why these three did not sign. I expect that the official reason will be that they were out of town or otherwise occupied. Alas, almost no one has the courage to say they had good reasons for refusing to sign a ban.
Before you set out to "invesigate", you may want to learn how to spell!
ReplyDeleteVos Iz Neias censor their site by reviewing each and every comment not allowing freedom of expression if a post contains disparaging comments about a frum fuck criminal element that has been convicted in a court of law.
ReplyDeleteMoshiach Uber Alles!
VosIzNeias couldn't buy better advertising.
ReplyDeleteרשימה מכובדת של רבנים.
ReplyDeleteאני לא חסיד גדול של האתר וואס איז נייעס בגלל הצביעות שחוגגת שם.
אבל YESHIVAWORLD המתחרה לא שווה יותר. מנהל אותו ילדון חמום מוח, פזיז וחוצפן מהמדרגה הראשונה. הליקוקים שלו ליענקי מאייער (מתעסקים) ולבעריש פרייליך (עסקן ידוע) מעוררים אצל כולם תחושת קבס. הנ"ל גם נזרק בבושת פנים מהצלה דפלטבוש וד"ל.
Hi, I would appreciate a link to my original posting.
ReplyDeleteIs this the only forbidden website all others are kosher