NEW YORK, – In an interview with LifeSiteNews.com, noted Orthodox Rabbi Yehuda Levin has predicted the U.S. military will pay with “loss of life and limb” for the normalization of homosexual acts. This past weekend the U.S. Senate voted to repeal the 1993 law that forbids open homosexuals from serving in the U.S. military. President Obama signed the repeal into law today.
Rabbi Levin, head of Jews for Morality and spokesman for nearly 1000 Orthodox Rabbis across North America, said that the sanctioning of grave immorality removes God’s protection. “We are students of Biblical history,” he said. “We have seen time and time again in Biblical history when Jews and others have forsaken the path of morality that we have paid - society has paid - a bitter price in terms of losing God’s grace and protection. There have been natural disasters, there have been defeats in wars.”
The prominent Rabbi warned, “It is very apparent to me, that at such a time where we are involved with various wars in various fronts and there is a tinderbox situation with Korea, the mid-East and so many areas. It’s painfully apparent to me that to a certain extent we - America in general and our military specifically - are in the greatest danger of losing God’s grace and protection.”
He expressed his concern that “religious people who would want to enlist and serve their country have to feel that if they demonstrate in any way their religious feelings they are going to be court marshaled, disciplined, forcefully taught tolerance. All of this is immorality and evil, and when one promotes immorality and evil we lose God’s protection and we pay for it in loss of life and limb. This is our fear.”
Rabbi Levin, an outspoken defender of life and family, called on Catholic and Evangelical leaders to join Orthodox Jews in repentance and to take seriously their responsibility for the actions of politicians within their faiths.
“I call upon religious leaders of the Catholic Conference and the Southern Baptist Convention to join with Orthodox Jewish leadership in a call for repentance and in a call for the next Congress to somehow reverse this and save us and save our military,” he said.
He also called upon Christian and Catholic leaders to instruct their faithful never to vote in favor of politicians who support abortion or homosexuality.
Rabbi Levin set an example by apologizing to America for the actions of Senator Joseph Lieberman, who claims to be an Orthodox Jew. Lieberman was one of the principal proponents of the repeal.
“As an orthodox Jew I beg our country’s forgiveness,” said Rabbi Levin.
Rabbi Levin noted that Lieberman has been officially excommunicated by a group of Orthodox rabbis due to his stance against life and family.
Adding insult to injury, Lieberman’s vote in favor of repealing DADT occurred on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath or holy day of the week. Lieberman had chosen to walk to the Senate from his home to cast his vote, as driving is forbidden.
In a move reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi justifying her support for anti-life and anti-family measures by invoking her self-professed Catholicism, Lieberman cited his Judaism as reason for his support for the DADT repeal. In an interview with The Daily Beast Lieberman noted his inspiration on the measure: “I’m a Jewish-American a member of a minority group raised from the earliest part of my life to be deeply grateful for all the rights and opportunities and freedom afforded Americans.”
The rabbi referred to Lieberman as an ‘apostate’ and noted that other groups of Orthodox Jews who have honored Lieberman with awards and prestige are guilty of providing Lieberman a false sense of what it means to be an Orthodox Jew.
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