Montreal, Quebec - The body of Matthew Besner, a 27 year old insurance company employee who had been missing since he stepped out of a Montreal restaurant for a few moments early Sunday morning, was found at 8:15 this morning on the shores of the frozen Lachine Canal fifteen blocks west of the restaurant.
Footprints on the north side of the canal and broken ice on the chanal showed that Besner crossed the canal and fell through the ice several times before he made it to the shore.
There are no indications of foul play and Besner is described by friends as “dependable and not a big partier.” Police have no idea why Besner was at the canal and whether he was alone at the time of his death.
Montreal newspapers quote Police Constable Daniel Lacoursiere as saying “Once he got to the shore, he wasn’t able to get up the slope. Nothing indicates there was a crime. He was wet; he froze.”
Police are insistent on doing an autopsy according to Aron Schmeltzer of Refuah V’Chesed of Montreal.
“We are working with them trying to prevent an autopsy,” said Schmeltzer. “So far they plan on doing it to determine if his death was an accident or a homicide. We will know tomorrow morning whether or not we succeeded.”
Why would anyone try to prevent an autopsy??