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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Britain mulls ban on 'Koran burn' Jones

The UK government is "actively" considering whether to ban a US pastor from entering Britain to share his views on Islam with far-right activists.

Pastor Terry Jones sparked condemnation around the world when he threatened to burn the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

He intends to preach "against the evils and destructiveness of Islam" at a rally for far-right group the English Defence League (EDL) in Luton, southeastern England, on Feb. 5.

But home secretary Theresa May told Sky News, "Of course the home secretary has the right to exclude people who are not conducive to public good or on national security grounds. It wasn't clear that he [Jones] was definitely coming to the UK but if it is now clear that he's definitely coming to the UK, then of course this is a case that I will be actively looking at."

Jones earlier told Sky, "As we have tried to relay many times, we are by no means against Muslims. What we are against is Sharia law and Muslims not willing to submit to the constitution."

Jones, who is the head of a small Florida church, sparked international condemnation by vowing to burn copies of the Koran on the last anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Numerous national leaders, including President Barack Obama, voiced their concern and Jones finally bowed to immense pressure and he did not proceed with the burning.

The pastor caused outrage across the Muslim world.

His effigy was burned in Afghanistan and his actions were seen as a recruiting boost for al Qaeda.

According to the EDL, the pastor asked to attend one of the group's gatherings.

"Pastor Terry Jones contacted me personally to ask if he could attend our demonstration," EDL leader Tommy Robinson said. "He wants to speak about the evils of Islam at the protest. It is a medieval religion."

Jones insists he is against any trouble occurring during his visit.

"I would by no means advocate something that would cause a riot or disturbance," he said

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