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Monday, May 2, 2011

Sen. Lieberman Authors Foreword for JLI Shabbos Course

In an age of constant contact and an almost umbilical attachment to an array of communications devices where what is important is often displaced by what seems to be urgent, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) is launching a course on Shabbos: the block of time where nothing intrudes on the peace and sanctity of being fully present with ourselves, our family, our Maker.

Senator Joseph Lieberman has contributed a two-page foreword to the upcoming course. Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World, as the course is named, it examines the possibilities for establishing a space in time wholly dedicated to retreating from the frenzy and noise of a device-laden existence, and enjoy a transcendent experience as only Shabbos can provide.

A political celebrity who garnered much publicity for being a Sabbath observer, Senator Lieberman reflects on his devotion to the age-old tradition in the foreword, saying, “Sabbath observance is a gift that has anchored, shaped, and inspired my life… If the cost is an occasional inconvenience or discomfort—like getting soaked on the walk home from the Capitol—I consider that a small price to pay for all that the Sabbath gives and teaches me.”

JLI’s Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World will be unveiled in May at over 300 teaching locations worldwide. The course explores Shabbos from multiple entry points, providing various levels of incorporating its mystical, psychological, social, and cultural lessons into one’s life. Senator Lieberman writes about how he and his wife refer to a “place beyond time called ‘Shabbatland’. . . . an entirely different place from the one in which we live our weekday lives.” In explaining the purpose of Shabbos he quotes the Lubavitcher Rebbe: “On Shabbat we cease to struggle with the world, not because the task of perfecting it is on hold, but because on Shabbat, the world is perfect; we relate to what is perfect and unchanging in it.”

Sen Lieberman encourages people to attend the JLI course. “The Sabbath is truly a gift. A gift from God. The gift of rest. I hope and pray that you will accept it and let Sabbath rest enrich your life.”

Mr. Lieberman is at work on his own book on Shabbat, to be released in August.

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