They didn't just work her like a dog -- they made her sleep with them, too, a blockbuster lawsuit says.
A 65-year-old housekeeper at the Palm Beach home of Manhattan landlord Abe Haruvi says she was made to work from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. and forced to share living quarters with her employers' dogs.
On top of that, Irma Diaz says in her suit filed in Florida, she had to use the same shower where the dogs urinated and defecated, and that Giovanna "regularly pushed, squeezed, shook and slapped" her.
Diaz also says she got no meal breaks, and once got so hungry, she "attempted to eat the crumbs from around the garbage can, but was caught and disciplined."
The suit seeks unspecified damages. Diaz worked for the Haruvis from July to September.
A woman who answered Giovanna's cellphone yesterday said she'd never heard of Diaz or the allegations in the lawsuit.
Haruvi owns more than 40 Manhattan buildings. Several years ago he allegedly tried to evict rent-stabilized tenants by wrongly claiming he needed their homes for his personal use
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