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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jewish Woman Stabbed to Death in Brooklyn NY

Beloved: The single mother was remembered by neighbors, who placed flowers and candles at the crime scene while Misaskim workers cleaned the blood off of the street

A son's devastation: Komsky's only child, in the blue shirt, arrived at the crime scene on Wednesday. He had lived with his mother at the home where she was killed

Cops yesterday check the car Larisa Komsky left before she died in pool of blood

Police are searching for the person who stabbed a Jewish woman Larisa Komsky to death in Sheepshead Bay early this morning.

A hardworking 50-year-old accountant who was parking her new Mercedes convertible was stabbed to death yesterday just steps from her apartment in Brooklyn, cops said.

Larisa Komsky’s bloodcurdling screams woke up neighbors at around 12:45 a.m. on normally quiet Homecrest Avenue in Sheepshead Bay.

“What are you doing here?” a terrified Komsky shouted at her attacker, according to sources.

Komsky, fatally wounded, stumbled out of her car, leaving a 12-foot trail of blood from her legs and torso before she collapsed and died.

Police sources said that just before she was attacked, she was seen arguing with a man who had been following her.

A neighbor said his surveillance camera captured the killer following Komsky’s car in a dark-colored SUV, getting out and then hiding behind another vehicle before pouncing.

“It took her five minutes to park, and he hid behind the Lincoln for maybe four, five minutes,” said the man, who requested anonymity.

“Then he went out of frame for 15 seconds, killed her, and he went to the car and took off.”

A police source said investigators are looking at Komsky’s business activities as a possible motive.

The single mom of an adult son worked several blocks away, but she routinely would drive home between midnight and 1 a.m., neighbors said.

A few hours after the violence, Komsky’s distraught son arrived at the scene.

“Just write that they have to catch them. She was a very good person, no enemies,” he said

Building superintendent Nadil Gjeloshi, 43 said he heard her cries.

“I heard screaming,’’ he said. “It was loud. She woke me up. I looked out the window. She just put her hands on that wall and then she started collapsing. I put on my clothes and then I came out. She was already on the ground.

“I called her name. I didn’t go close, but I called her name. She was alive. I saw her moving — not talking to anyone anymore. Nothing.”

Joseph Rizzo, 47, a school janitor who has lived in Komsky’s building for 41 years, said the victim lived on the second floor about 15 years, initially with her son and then by herself.

“She was a very quiet person, very religious, always very well dressed coming back and forth from the shul,” Rizzo said.
A 50-year-old Brooklyn woman was stabbed to death a block away from her home early Tuesday morning, police said.

The victim was arguing with a man on Homecrest Ave. in Sheepshead Bay shortly before 1 a.m. when he stabbed her twice in the leg and once in the hand, police said.

Cops found her splayed on her back in the street. She was taken to Coney Island Hospital, where she died a short time later.

Police were still hunting for the attacker, but not disclose a motive for the brutal attack.

The victims name was being withheld pending notification of her family.



  2. Thank G-d for Hatzoloh. I'm making a donation today

  3. I would put down money its not a hate crime, or anti-antisemitism. sounds business related, executed to well for a random act.

  4. may hashem have mercy so saad

  5. R"L.
    Why would someone with stab wounds to the extremities not be saved by quick surgery?

  6. Sad, I hope they catch the murder. Prayers to the family.

  7. גל האירועים הקשים בברוקלין מגיעה היום לשיאו: הבוקר נדקרה למוות אשה חרדית במרכז ברוקלין.

    הרצח המחריד ארע על שדרת U פינת רחוב Homecrest. צוותי הצלה הוזעקו למקום אך מותה נקבעה בדרך לבית הרפואה.

    בלשים ממשטרת ניו יורק החלו בחקירה אינטנסיבית של מקרה הרצח, שארע מול ביתה של האשה.

  8. Firstly: BD"E! may they find and punish him swiftly.

    why do people start with the tatty, tatty, tatty, nazi germany shtick every time something happens. Yes it is a tragedy, but we live in on Earth. There will be tragedies stop getting all crazy about it. yes it doesn't happen in our community often but when it does everyone starts with probably not a Jew and oi vey, oi vey, oi vey. Can't we all be adults and just say BD"E and hope the criminal is caught?
