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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook hit by 'cyber attack' that posts hardcore porn and violence on users' profiles

The virus has forced many to close down their Facebook accounts

Hackers have hijacked millions of Facebook accounts with a virus that posts hardcore pornography and sickening scenes of violence on their profiles.

There is growing anger towards the social network who seem to be unable to stop the material despite their strict controls of what can be posted on the site.

A virus, which appears to target the new 'timeline' feature has surged across Facebook by luring users into clicking on to it with images of celebrities - then flooding their personal accounts with sex and violent scenes.

There has been suggestions that Anonymous is behind the attack, but no one has come forward to claim it.

The group of hacktivists had previously vowed to 'destroy' Facebook on November 5, the night which commemorates Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot because of its privacy policy.

They created a Twitter account and uploaded a YouTube video, saying: 'If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy.

However the attack appeared to come to nothing.

This new torrent of imagery has lead to many users deactivating their accounts to stop family and friends being subjected to the graphic imagery.

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