Zoltan Hirsch, a double amputee in a wheelchair, says he's trying to make New York City more handicapped accessible one lawsuit at a time. But some wonder whether Hirsch -- who has filed 87 federal claims in the last year seeking damages and legal fees -- is crusader or con man.
The Brooklyn resident, who lost his legs after a car accident seven years ago, files lawsuits at the rate of about one a day, hitting businesses ranging from a Brooklyn Dunkin' Donuts to Louis Vuitton in SoHo to Midtown's Lace strip club. He rolls down the street, block by block, looking for places that can't let him inside.
The suits claim Hirsch suffered "an injury" from being denied access. But it is unlikely the 31-year-old Hasidic Jew would patronize some of the establishments he cites -- including the non-kosher City Crab restaurant.
He targeted a pedicure station at the Red & White Spa in SoHo -- even though he has no feet.
Hirsch typically maintains he cannot get into a business, but his lawsuits are filled with precise descriptions of alleged violations inside, including bars that are inches too high, condiments that are out of reach, and bathroom towels inaccessible to a wheelchair user.
He sued Sanctuary Tea in SoHo last month -- one of 36 suits he filed in May alone -- claiming he couldn't get in the door.
Owner Dawn Cameron said the thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight the case, or even settle it, could devastate her restaurant. There are two steps to reach the restaurant, and she said wheelchair users are helped inside.
"It's a shame that people are able to do this," she said. "It's really just extortion."
The claims ask for $500 in damages for Hirsch, plus legal fees to his lawyer, Bradley Weitz of Florida, who has filed dozens and dozens of similar suits in that state. Those fees can reach $15,000 per case, swelling with each request for documents, payment to experts or travel reimbursements for Weitz.
Weitz seems to be exploiting the Americans with Disabilities Act, which allows the payment of attorney fees, according to one lawyer who defended a business sued by Hirsch.
If even one violation of the ADA is upheld, Weitz can recover attorney fees, explained another lawyer. "It's ingenious," he said, adding that defendants often settle quickly.
If Hirsch is successful in all his complaints, the law firm would make upward of $1.3 million -- and that's just for the cases so far.
In California there has been a rash of suits by disabled residents alleging ADA violations. One paraplegic man who filed hundreds of suits was named a "hit-and-run plaintiff" and barred from making claims without court permission.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Southern California Republican, has proposed legislation that would provide notices to businesses about possible ADA violations before a lawsuit is launched.
"These lawsuits are often intended for personal profit, not for the reason of ensuring access to places of public accommodation," Hunter said.
Hirsch and his lawyer say they are not out for a buck but are championing the rights of the disabled. They claim success in forcing businesses to add wheelchair ramps or make other changes.
But Hirsch targets few businesses near his Borough Park home, instead siccing his legal beagle on businesses in swanky neighborhoods.
Hirsch, who claims he likes to shop in SoHo, said that as soon as he spots a potential violator, he snaps a photo and sends it to Weitz, who dispatches an investigator.
He says he gets only $500 if a case is settled and no other compensation from Weitz. Several of the suits have been settled under confidential agreements, but most are still ongoing.
As for the non-kosher restaurants, Hirsch, who lives with his girlfriend and their daughter, said he'd like to be able to enjoy a soda or even a scotch. And he wants to be able to visit a strip club if he chooses.
"It's my prerogative," he said.
Curt Decker, executive director of the National Disability Rights Network, said lawsuits contending ADA violations usually address real problems.
"Whether someone then is trying to use that process just to enrich themselves -- we're not happy with that," he said.
NEW YORK - Zoltan Hirsch, a double amputee in a wheelchair, has claimed he is trying to make New York City more handicapped accessible, one lawsuit at a time, but some wonder whether Hirsch -- who files suits at the rate of about one a day -- is a crusader or con man, the New York Post reported Sunday.
The Brooklyn resident, who lost his legs after a car accident seven years ago, hits out at businesses ranging from a Brooklyn Dunkin' Donuts to Louis Vuitton in SoHo to Midtown's Lace strip club.
The suits, seeking damages and legal fees, typically claim Hirsch suffered "an injury" from being denied access. But it is unlikely the 31-year-old Hasidic Jew would patronize some of the establishments he cites, including the non-kosher City Crab restaurant. He even targeted a pedicure station at the Red & White Spa in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood, though he has no feet.
Though Hirsch usually claims he cannot get into a business, his lawsuits are filled with precise descriptions of alleged violations inside -- bars that are inches too high, condiments that are out of reach, and bathroom towels inaccessible to a wheelchair user.
He sued Sanctuary Tea in SoHo last month, one of 36 suits he filed in May alone, claiming he could not get in the door.
Owner Dawn Cameron said the thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight the case, or even settle it, could devastate her restaurant. There are two steps to reach the restaurant, and she said wheelchair users are helped inside.
"It's a shame that people are able to do this," she said. "It's really just extortion."
The claims often ask for $500 in damages for Hirsch, plus legal fees to his lawyer, Bradley Weitz of Florida, who has filed dozens of similar suits in that state. Those fees can reach $15,000 per case, swelling with each request for documents, payment to experts or travel reimbursements for Weitz.
One lawyer who defended a business sued by Hirsch said Weitz seems to be exploiting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which allows the payment of attorney fees.
If even one violation of the ADA is upheld, Weitz can recover attorney fees, explained another lawyer. "It's ingenious," he said, adding that defendants often settle quickly.
If Hirsch is successful in all his complaints, the law firm would make upward of $1.3 million -- and that is just for the cases so far.
Hirsch and his lawyer have said they are not out for a buck but are championing the rights of the disabled, claiming success in forcing businesses to add wheelchair ramps or make other changes.
But Hirsch targets few businesses near his Borough Park home, instead setting his legal beagle upon businesses in swanky neighborhoods.
Hirsch, who claimed he likes to shop in SoHo, said that as soon as he spots a potential violator, he snaps a photo and sends it to Weitz, who dispatches an investigator.
He said he gets only $500 if a case is settled and no other compensation from Weitz. Several of the suits have been settled under confidential agreements, but most are still ongoing.
As for the non-kosher restaurants, Hirsch, who lives with his girlfriend and their daughter, said he would like to be able to enjoy a soda or even a scotch. And he wants to be able to visit a strip club if he chooses.
"It's my prerogative," he said.
such trash of a yid. cut off his hands so he can't take pictures and cause problems.
ReplyDeleteZoltan, I'm sorry about your disability. However, it's what life has dealt you. Stop blaming others for your lot in life. I've recently become disabled and and have figured out that if I can't access a business without my cane or without my walker, I just don't go there. Take responsibility my friend
ReplyDeleteThere was a prick like this guy who used to come to our Chabad shul, not himself in a wheelchair but with his mother in a wheelchair.
ReplyDeleteEvery day he would threaten to sue for every little thing. Our rabbi finally threw him out and told him please don't come back. He still shows up sometimes, still with the mother in a wheelchair, but he keeps his mouth shut.
I see him and his mother at local stores and supermarket, trying the same crap with the manager, who immediately calls the police. The police already know him and his scams, and they tie him up by issuing tickets to him for every little violation they can find, on him and his car, such as littering, loitering, parking, light not working, etc.
Putting these pricks on the defense is the best strategy, short of getting a Skverer thug to persuade him to leave the city.
Maybe they can cut off his penis too.
ReplyDeleteThe IRSs should look into his finances. Someone this freakin greedy..definately has money hes hiding. How come he doesn't file suits in borough Park..cause their all jewish busineses? what a freakin asshole and a loser. Please follow up on him.. Hes dirty!
ReplyDeletehe wuld probably sue his own mother oh wait shes jewish..nah........
ReplyDeleteThat actually made me laugh out loud!(He targeted a pedicure station at the Red & White Spa in SoHo -- even though he has no feet.) So no, it wasn't a look of shock on my face when I read this!
ReplyDeleteThis guy is an embarresmaent for the entire frum chassidishe community please stop the crime
ReplyDeleteMr. Hirsch. Someone with a good heart, getting your anger, has offered to donate his feet to you, with the condition you donate your head to hospitals doing brain research.
ReplyDeleteI hate jews all they care about is money and having kids to collect more money from the government.
ReplyDeleteMr. Hirsch, I hope you read all of these posts. And if you really believe in God as your attire alludes us to believe, you will have to answer to Him when your time comes. I can only pray that he has mercy on you and eventually blesses you with some type of compassion to your fellow man. For I believe HE said "Love God with all your heart and love your fellow man as HE so loves you" I guess you didn't read that paragraph?
ReplyDeleteAs for the non-kosher restaurants, Hirsch, who lives with his girlfriend and their daughter, said he'd like to be able to enjoy a soda or even a scotch. And he wants to be able to visit a strip club if he chooses.
ReplyDelete"It's my prerogative," he said.
לא חרדי ולא נעליים !!!!
אומנם יש לו חיים קשים כתוצאה ממה שעבר, אבל החילול ה' שהוא גורם לו, כאשר הוא מופיע בתחפושת חרדית לגופו,
לא יסולח,
לאלה מבינכם שלא מבינים אנגלית, הנה רק חלק קטן מהכתבה, שתבינו באיזה יצור מדובר כאן,
ובכן ,ה"חרדי" הזה, גר בדירה אחת עם החברה שלו ועם הבת שלה ,
בין יתר העסקים שאותם הוא תובע, או יותר נכון סוחט כספית, מועדון של חשפניות שהנעבעך הזה טוען שאין שם גישה לנכים....
וכמו כן מסעדה של אוכל טרף! מה אתם רוצים ממני? מתבכיין היצור הזה, אני רק רוצה לשתות שם כוס סודה, ואני לא יכול...
הבנתם במה אנחנו מתעסקים כאן ? גועל נפש של יצור !!!
California has the right approach. Instead of ruining peoples' SMALL buisnesses, which is the backbone of our economic recovery, these businesses should be given the opportunity to address their ADA accessibility instead of two opportunitsts, especially the Florida lawyer, making a living off of them. This would cast this individual in a more altruisitc light. Now he just looks like a jackass and a schmuck.
ReplyDeleteEllen Zen, where are you from?