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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Israeli Police Arrest American Jewish Protester



  1. Obviously he is ignorant .
    There is no such thing as a Palestinian.
    IT is all Jewish land.
    Did he ver hear of the 67 war when Israel was attacked ?

  2. My German Sheppard is more Jewish than this stupid kid. I did not see him wearing Tzitzits

  3. Hey anonymous assholes. Israel attacked first in 1967. That's how they won so quickly. They caught the Egyptian planes on the ground. They also carried out a 2 hour unprovoked attack with air and naval forces on the USS Liberty in international waters killing 34 Americans and wounding 172. And as far as there are no such thing as a Palestinian what would you perfer to call a people who have live in the area of Palestinian for over 1,000 years? On the contrary there is no such thing as the Jewish People. There are people who are Jewish all over the planet. It's a religion. It's not a race. Who told me that? My father's Danish Jewish mother. My grandmother.
