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Friday, May 3, 2013

Tel Aviv Rabbinate introduces mobile barcode scanning at kosher eateries

Tel Aviv's Chief Rabbinate began issuing kashrut certificates with Quick Response bar codes to eating establishments this past week, to allow smartphone users to determine whether the eateries provide the level of Jewish dietary law observance that they require.

The Quick Response bar codes (commonly referred to as QR codes), will now be placed in prominent spots at eateries, such as the entrance, to enable potential patrons to scan the code and receive detailed information regarding the establishment's kashrut status.

The data displayed on code-scanning smartphones will include the establishment's name and address, whether it has a “regular” kashrut status or the more stringent “mehadrin” kashrut status, the type of cuisine it offers - whether meat, dairy or parve - the date it was granted the kashrut certificate and when it expires. It will even provide a phone number to directly contact the kashrut supervisor responsible for ensuring observance of kashrut at the establishment.

Kashrut codes can be read using any QR code-scanning software but a smartphone app called Kosher Test (and with the name Bodek Kashrut in Hebrew) can also be downloaded.

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