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Thursday, May 2, 2013

London - Orthodox Rabbis In London Set Up "Tznius" Hotline

London - In response to “public demand,” a group of Orthodox rabbis in London have opened a “modesty” hotline which enables locals to anonymously report decency violations within the community.

The reports that the group, calling itself Va’ad L’Tolhar Hamachneh, Committee for the Purity of the Camp, has posted fliers in synagogues in both Yiddish and English with a number for the hotline and message stating that all calls will be handled confidentially.

A representative from the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations said the formation of the group was not the result of a UOHC initiative, but was instead formed in response to “public demand.”

The representative also said that there would be no “modesty patrols” actively trying to enforce dress codes
in public.    

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