On October 24th three bochurim were stopped by the police and received criminal court summonses for 'obstructing pedestrian traffic' on Carroll and Kingston. The victims contacted a civil rights lawyer who is looking into bringing a lawsuit against the police for their actions, and they are seeking other similar victims.
Dear residents of Crown Heights:
After being victimized by the NYPD in the incident of October 24th in Crown Heights, we have decided to take steps to prevent further similar situations from occurring. Citizens should never be, nor ever fear to be, harassed or to have to spend their time and money on disputing frivolous or fictitious tickets. It is time to stand up for ourselves.
We live in a democracy, where the power rests with the people. Government and public servants, such as the police, are here to serve us and protect us, not prey on us. Unfortunately, they sometimes forget that there are limits to their privileges, specifically unwarranted searches, detainment and tickets. As I am now learning, this forgetfulness often occurs when quotas need to be met and when budgets are tight.
So why not get the charges dismissed and let it fade away? As Benjamin Franklin famously said; “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Each citizen that is a victim of a frivolous ticket to make a quota and doesn’t stand up gives up a bit of their freedom. It is our responsibility to do what’s right for our community, city and country even when inconvenient. Enough people in this city have given up enough freedom where it is time to take a stand and tell the NYPD: enough! Focus on fighting crime and stop preying on innocent citizens.
We have set up an email address to compile as many stories and incidents as we can. We prefer that it is something relevant and happened in this past year, and every incident will remain confidential until the attorney who is assisting us can discuss the incident with you. With enough documented incidents, we will be able to force some level of accountability from NYPD brass and make a credible complaint. Remember: they work for us, not the other way around.
We will be holding a meeting on this Thursday, December 9th with the lawyer. Please e-mail us at nypd.abuse@gmail.com if you feel you have been targeted and have received a false charge or arrest. Please be sure to include the details of the incident, your name and number. Please notify your family and friends to e-mail us if they have a case as well. We will reply to your e-mail with the details of the meeting, where it will be held, and what time it will take place.
We will also discuss the fact that it was not at all helpful that the Executive Director of the community council sided with the police.
If need be, we can give you a document assuring your of confidentiality from the attorney who is assisting us.
Hatzlacha Meiruubbah.