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Saturday, December 11, 2010

New York - Brooklyn DA: Crown Heights Bes Din Gag Order Meaningless

New York - Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes responded in an email to Catholic League President Bill Donohue to the news release on the Beth Din of Crown Heights controversy.

Hynes said, in part, “In the 21 years I’ve served as Brooklyn’s District Attorney I have never been deterred by anyone including the various Beth Dins in Brooklyn from fulfilling my responsibilities as the Chief Law Enforcement Official of Kings County.”

He went on to say that “nothing can interfere with my authority to investigate and prosecute any allegation of crime in my County.”


  1. Stupid move by CH Bies Din and all those that pull the strings, first they need to earn the respect of Crown Heights residents by eliminating corruption and in-fighting, only then can they publish letters like that, otherwise its a big joke.

  2. I don't know about this brogias but if any Rav on ANY beis din would be stupid enough to tell the kehillah not to report a crime to the police, that Rav should be removed from the beis din, investigated by the DA for possible obstruction of justice and most importantly put in charem by the tzibur.

  3. Hynes is being lenient with the beit din -- he could seek an indictment for obstruction of justice. This statement is actually a signal to them that they can get away with this.

  4. Ruthi, Vivi and anonymous are ALL right on target.

  5. D.A. Hynes, if you believe in justice, then why did you let the CHJCC pressure you in going forward with a bogus trial that was the laughing stock of your court and the justice system?!!! To advance your political agenda or theirs? Well, this edict falls in the same category, they want to advance their political agenda and they don't care for anyone who stands in their way - one day is was the Shomrim, today it's you, tomorrow there will be someone new. The CHJCC has one message, we are your friend as long as you do what WE want you to do, if not, we'll do what we have to to get you out of our way! Beware!

  6. D.A hyenas is a Jew but a self hating Jew a real anti semite

  7. I think that he should be part of our bais din. He is not afraid to speak the truth
