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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pearlperry Reich Chasidic Women on Dr. Phil

Pearlperry Reich, 30, a stunning mother of four,

Pearl, a mother and wife-turned-model, says for six years she was trapped in an abusive, arranged marriage within an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, and now — five years removed from the community and battling for custody of her four children — she's speaking out about what she says are their "cult-like" behaviors. Under fire from her former community for her new lifestyle, which includes wearing pants and acting in a manner the community considers inappropriate, will she lose her children?


  1. f she is unstable, and "sleeping with other men" then why wouldn't the Beis Din IMMEDIATELY give her a Get? Isn't that the point of rabbis making the husband give a Get, to end a bad marriage and avoid adulterous behavior?

    The power of the Get in this case is in the Rabbis of the Beis Din, and if they are withholding a Get from the woman, because of any reason, while they suspect she is having relations with other men, then the sin is on them. It just shows the sickness and uselessness and how far the rabbis veer off from Halacha. In their effort to support the husband and show they think he is "right' and that he is the wronged party, the injured party, they are not encouraging him to give her the Get, to try and keep some control over her. But it just has caused severe damage and sin to increase and increase. This was not supposed to be the point of a Get. The husband needs to give her a Get immediately, or no mattr how right he is he is WRONG, and the Rabbis are not acting within the realms of Halacha.

    How is it possible that the Rabbis of the Beis Din have not made this man give this woman a Get for 5 years, causing a married woman to be in the public acting this way. No matter how crazy she is, no matter how wrong she is, and in fact BECAUSE she is acting this way, that was all the reason she should have been given a Get immediately. The Rabbis have abused the children by allowing a woman with 4 innocent kids run loose without a Get. The Rabbis, who are supposed to be the sane ones, are being the MOST irresponsible ones.

  2. Funny she sounds so chasidishe
    So does he
    She looks very deranged something is really off

  3. He is not withholding the Get! They signed an agreement and she doesn't wish to comply she wants more and more and more and more money so SHE went to the cival courts instead. She could've had her Get 3 years ago. BTW- not true that they aren't together for 5 years (another lie) they were seperated and got back together numerous times.

    P.S- Her husband sounds and is a lot more cultured than the both of them put together. You can also see that she is off her rocker... Great job P, great for court...

  4. i love how she says every single person in bp, williamsburg, monroe and flatbush have an arranged marriage. helloooooo, i live in bp, and personally don't know anyone forced into a marriage aside for one person, who got out after immediately seeing its not working out. wow she is verrry naive. what a shame. u got married, u dont like it? get out! before you have 4 kids! very strange. i feel so sorry for these children. p.s. love the super heavy chasidic accent!

  5. It's scary to think that she really believes what she is saying. While there are "arranged" marriages they are a very small minority. Boro Park, Flatbush and Lakewood are definitely NOT the places that you would find it. The fact that she was from BP, makes her an unusual case.
    Wearing pants is not against the religion?! It's not in the Bible...? Of course it isn't but Orthodox Judaism follows laws derived by the Rabbis from the Bible. So if she said she would bring up the kids in an Orthodox "environment" how is it that she wears pants etc. She obviously believes that she could put on a stern face and talk self-righteously and have all the non-Jews who have no clue, agreeing with her.
    The lady is just a farce... She really needs a doctor...

  6. I can't imagine even the courts letting her keep the kids. Walking around as she does, showing off a boyfriend while she is married can not be considered good parenting. She wouldn't take any questions on Facebook, so IMO she is guilty as can be. Also she came out looking really angry on the show as if something is wrong there.

  7. The Get should have been handed to her the minute they separated. There should have been no negotiations by Beit Din at all. They are misusing Gitten. This loose cannon was allowed to run loose without a Get causing untold damage to the innocent children and to all parties. The Rabbis, instead of trying to maximize what the husband will get out of all this in terms of custody, etc, must just give her the Get immediately. It's just a blight on the Beis din that they did not make sure a Get was handed to her immediately. That was a miscarriage of their responsibility. The husband and wife can fight out all the money issues and all custody issues in COURT, but the BEIS DIN should have made sure the GET was given to that wife right away. This keeps happening. The Beis Din should cease and desist trying to be a Husband's Attorney. So much sin has been caused by this woman not having a get, besides the increase in hostility, anger, damage that is increasing every day that this crazy woman does not have her Get. The Rabbis absolutely blew it.

  8. She may be nuts and crazy, but every sin is on the Rabbis for not getting the Get to her immediately. That was their responsibility. To make sure a Get was given to that wife. It is a BLIGHT on the BEIS DIN to have this woman running loose without a GET. Shame on them. Every single wacky, shameful act that she does is a blight on the Beis Din. The kids RUINED lives and reputations are a blight on the Beis Din. Their sole responsibility is to give divorcing people a GET- no more, no less. If she had been given a GET right from the beginning, it would NEVER have been this bad. Never. The fact that she is Eishes Ish makes it all Inflamed, Aggravated, Escalate, worse and worse every day.

  9. When she signed the "agreement" why wasn't the Get given right there and then? That is the Beis Din's sole responsibility- to make sure a Get is given. In this, and many other cases, the Beis Din gets involved in the husbands or wives demands, trying to leverage, trying to negotiate terms, etc. - they should stay out of it. What is the use now of all their efforts to have her bring up the kids "in a religious environment", all the demands and negotiations only backfired- she did what she was going to do anyway, only she is doing it WORSE, because she is still married technically, making it all worse, making her even more hostile, making her demands even worse. And years go by anyway, the kids are witnessing hell, and for all this time the husband is alone and miserable- he could have been remarried by now with a normal stable life that the kids would have seen at least 50% or more. She would probably have remarried too, and probably gotten too busy for the kids. Had they just given the GET immediately, as was their responsibility.

  10. Her husband has no problam giving her a get. if fact her is halachicly required to, she is an eishes ish, she is a sotah. one of the 3 cardianl sins that our ancesters for generations have willingly given theyre lives for. while here we have someone who will gladly willingly commit this sin and ruin her childrens life for it. She wants money with the Get. she lost her kesubah. kish mich.


  12. She is screwed up. She has no Sechel. She needs to go for mega help. Which normal Jewish person would do such a stupid thing? Advertise herself to the whole world with bullshit. Instead of helping her kids by this she's rather ruining them...

  13. You contradict yourself- you say "he has no problem giving her a Get", but then you say that "she forfeited her Kesubah", and that "she wants money with her Get". Those statements contradict each other. The Beis Din should have made sure the Get was given years ago. The courts will determine money and custody issues. Whatever money he gives her he can tell the court. Every day that a Get is not given, the kids suffer from her, the husband suffers from her. The community is stained by her. The Get is not meant as a tool or a bargaining chip.

    1. Not sure what the contradiction is. maybe you dont know what a kesubah or a Get is. he is more than wiling to give her a Get. period. very simple. She doesnt want the Get without money. so He says go screw yourself your not getting any money. end of story. one looses they're kesubah if they commit adultery. Beis din cant force her to excpt the Get.
      Understand now?

  14. Not sure what the contradiction is. maybe you dont know what a kesubah or a Get is. he is more than wiling to give her a Get. period. very simple. She doesnt want the Get without money. so He says go screw yourself your not getting any money. end of story. one looses they're kesubah if they commit adultery. Beis din cant force her to excpt the Get.
    Understand now? its not that complex

  15. Her bf Shauli forced her go to Dr. Phil. You can see how he interrupts and before she says anything, she looks at him first. He should receive the Torah's response for Eishes Ish violations, and her mamzerimlech .....

  16. Heres a post thats going around I cried when I read it:

    M=mother. D=8 year old daughter

    D: Mommy
    M: Yes dear…
    D: Are we frum?
    M: Um who do you mean by “we”?
    D: You know our family…
    M: Well… your frum your brother is frum your…
    D: Are you frum?
    M: Um, not really. But why are you asking me all this?
    D: Some girls in school were saying that were not frum…
    D: Mommy?
    M: Yes dear?
    D:Are you listening to me?
    M: Of course. I heard you, Im just in middle of texting someone sheifaleh.
    D: Who? The man that was here last night?
    M: No someone else dear
    D: Why did that man touch you so much, none of my friend’s mothers let men touch them so much.
    M: When you grow up you’ll understand sweetie, Sheifaleh go play with the new gameboy that mommies friend bought you last week so I can take care of some important texts.
    D: I didn’t like that man that bought me that gameboy, he also always kisses you. Uch…
    M: Ok sweetie, let me take care of these things now and then Im gonna drop all of you off at Feldman’s house for the night. Ill buy you a new toy when I pick you up. K?
    D: Mommy!!! NO!!! You said on Sunday that for the rest of the week we don’t have to sleep by someone else’s house. Besides where do you always go? Why cant you take us with you? My friend’s mother never goes away so much. Please mommy don’t go away. Please don’t make us sleep by Feldman’s house tonight.
    M: Sorry dear, I loves you very much. Sometimes even when mommy’s love they’re kids they need to go away. The other option is I can call Chaya to stay with you till Wednesday. This time ill tell her no smoking in the house.
    D: Every time she comes she only gives us Fruity Pebbles for supper. And even though you told us you gave her money for pizza she didn’t order any.
    M : I can have a talk with her…
    D: Mommy is it true you want to make us frei?
    M: No way! Chas veshalom! I want you to be what ever you want to be.
    D: Will you let me become frei when I become older? Right your frie mommy? Frei means the opposite of frum right?
    M: Of course ill let you become frie…if that’s what you want to be. Let me tell you something zeeskite and remember this for your whole life, being a yid doesn’t mean you have to do things you don’t want. In America everyone is free to do what they want. Its in the Constitution. You know what the constitution is?
    D: No. But I don’t want you to be frei. I’m so embarrassed no other girl in my school has a freir mother. Besides my friend said that someone who stop’s being frum wont get to see mashiach…and also…
    M: why do you have tears in your eyes sweetie? Come here sweetie. Why are you crying?
    D: I’m so embarrassed if you’ll come to the class performance in school next week…mommy please don’t come… please,
    M: uch Shefaleh people are so mean in school they make you feel embarrassed. Tell totty you don’t like that school. You have to tell him alot. Oh, anyways I might not be able to come that day anyways cus I might need to go away then, so you don’t need tom worry.
    D: The last time everyone was staring at you and whispering…
    M: Don’t learn from them. To make people feel bad is not nice.
    D: Why did you stop being frum mommy? I think we would be happier if you would also be frum. No? Can you become frum again? And then marry totty again! Yay! Please mommy. That would be so great!
    M: I wasn’t happy being frum so…
    D: Yeh, but were not happy that your frei. I hate it. Goldy said if I daven then to hashem and ask him maybe you’ll become frum again.

    1. continued next post

    2. cant be its fake the speling is to good . it mad me cry as weel . its a good show . good job M and D

    3. Who is Goldy? And why is she such a moron?

  17. M: Goldy said that? Tell her its none of her business. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I know the whole family would be happy if I were frum, but then I wouldn’t be happy. If im happy then you’ll be happy. A sad mother is not good for the kids also.
    D: Are you happy now mommy when your not frum?
    M: Yes. Very happy!
    D: So why are we all so sad. We’re supposed to be happy if your happy. Uch…just become frum again mommy. Please…
    M: Oh sweetie your crying again…I hate seeing you cry. You want mommy to buy you those Uggs boots when I get back? Its not always a mothers fault when kids aren’t happy sometimes frum people are mean and that’s why you’r not happy. You want me to by you those Uggs?
    D: Yes but I want you to buy it. I don’t like when that man always gives me things that you said your gonna buy.
    M: Ok dear.
    D: Do you daven for me mommy? Do you sing vizakeini for me mommy? Tzippys mother always cries when she benches licht…
    M: One second I need to take care of this text. Can you put your pajamas in you briefcase please sweetie.
    D: Totty said he sings vizakeini all the time and he also cries when he benches licht. He said it’s a “mommy song”, but he doesn’t care and he sings it anyways.
    Can you start benching licht again?
    M: I do. last week I did, remember?
    D: Yeh but you were in such a rush and then you went to shoprite with that man.
    M: Honey its getting late… We have to get going. Mommy loves you. Don’t forget that. Mommy loves you more than anyone. I love you more than I love myself. I would run in to a burning building to save you chas veshalom. If people say that its not true its all cause they’re just trying to be mean and they’re jealous of me.
    D: Mommy please don’t make us sleep at Feldman’s house tonight. Please. I wont ask you to by me the Uggs. Please mommy…

  18. ^ Tacky brainwashing...

    I know a woman who relaxed her Orthodoxy (went from Brooklyn Hasidish to Jersey chilled-out O'dox in a community with many BTs)...

    How the kids' lives changed: 1) The payess got shorter, 2) they call her new husband Abba instead of Totti, 3) they are now part of a happy thriving family.

    Everyone is very quick to judge women. Do you reserve your "benefit of the doubt" for rabbinical child molestors and not young divorced moms? #aclue #getone

  19. chana- were not talking about her just becoming modern orthadox! Halevai!! Shes doing the worst aveiros!! no modern orthadox woman would do what she does... Regardless of the way they look! Also dont forget the concept of mesorah- al titosh toras imecha!!!!!

  20. this peace of shit is gona go through hell like no1 besides Hitler fa real she should fuckn catch on b4 its to late i did shit like that but not so far to go live on tv she real stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
