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Friday, March 23, 2012

Dr Timothy Roses shoots girlfriend just hours after she revealed new lover on Facebook

Lindsay Nichols was shot dead by her ex boyfriend after they broke up

Dr Tim Roses shot Lindsay in the chest several times before turning the gun on himself

A horrific murder suicide has left a town in shock after a doctor, 44, shot dead his ex-girlfriend, 22, before turning the gun on himself after she revealed on Facebook she had a new boyfriend.

Dr Timothy Roses, a radiologist from Waterloo, Iowa, fatally shot Lindsay Nichols, of Evansdale, Iowa, in the chest before also shooting himself in the chest around 9pm on Wednesday night.

They were found near an intersection in Jesup. One was dead and the other died later in hospital though it was not clear who.

The pair were known to be in a relationship but it ended earlier this year.

Friends say Lindsay was concerned about his behaviour since the breakup.

Early on Wednesday, the pretty 22-year-old changed her relationship status to reveal she was in a new relationship with Chase Weber.

Hours later, she was dead.

According to KWWL, Roses followed Lindsay home and shot her in the driveway.

Lindsay was studying radiology at Covenant Medical Center in Waterloo, which is where she met Roses, according to her uncle.

She was preparing to take her Iowa State Radiology Boards and, according to her family, wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

She was an honors student and 2008 graduate of Waterloo East High School.

Evansdale Mayor Chad Deutsch said the Nichols family is well-known in the community. Lindsay's father is the city's parks commissioner as well as a Black Hawk County sheriff’s deputy.

Her late grandfather was also a mayor of the town.

The devastated town of Evansdale held a candlelit vigil on Thursday night for Lindsay, with more than 300 people gathering on the steps of Waterloo's East High.

Her family and friends reflected on and celebrated the life of a young woman they so dearly loved and would sorely miss.

Many could not contain their emotions and expressed shock that such a tragedy could have happened.

Lindsay's close friend Abby Lundy told KWWL: 'I don't think I honestly realize that it's happened yet. I think I'm kind of going through the motions to be strong for the situation. It's going to affect me for the rest of my life.

Kevin Brown, who lives across the street from the shooting scene, said he heard three shots about 9pm on Wednesday.

'Boom, boom, and then three seconds later maybe another one,' he told the DesMoines Register.

Former East High teacher Mike Allen asked the crowd to support the Nichols family.


  1. Not many doctors are cheating scumbags. I know he had a wife, but did he have kids?

    1. Well i dont really have the time to keep going back and fourth with you on this so lets agree to disagree. I know that she was a beautiful girl who in my opinion did nothing wrong so if you want to take the side of a murder so be it.
