The following appeared in the Failed Messiah
You thought you've seen everything? Well, take a peek at this.
There's a new site up called KoshersexToys.net.
The owner sent me an email today, and we got into a brief q and a:
I Just started a web business called www.koshersextoys.net. What it is, is a website
that sells sex toys but contains no indecent pictures or text and we
ship the items without any untzniusdick pictures on the
The idea is that frum couples who would otherwise feel uncomfortable
going to online sex shops with all the pics and content they have on
them will now have someplace they can buy sex toys to enchance their
sex lives without compromising on their frumkeit in any way.
Please tell me something about yourself and your background.
I am a young lakewood guy went to school here for all my life
straight through mesivta and beis medrash. I have been married for
a few years.…
When and where did you get the idea for this?
I got the idea when me and my wife decided to try some of this stuff
and the only places we could buy it were places that have all kinds of
pictures neither of us wanted to see.Then we got the toys and it came
in packages covered in things we had no interest seeing or bringing
into our home. This got me thinking. There must be a whole lot of
couples out there in the religious and even the non religious world
who could be benefiting from these things, and halachicly and morally
there is no issue with them doing so. In fact it probably is a mitzvah
for them to do so. But they won't simply because the only places they
can find these products are places were they would have to see
inappropriate pictures etc. they may not want to see. So I made a
solution that I really think can help people's Shalom Bayis!! I also
would love if people want any product that I don't have on the site,
if they could simply e-mail me the name of the item they want through
the website and I could get it for them. I will also constantly be
improving the site with more items and other use full tidbits.
How do you know it is not the vaad hatznius of lakewood that is trying to get the names and addresses of frum people who are into 'kinky' stuff?
ReplyDeleteOne of their better selling items is a kosher vibrator called Mazal-dik
ReplyDeleteThey should sell Satmar approved bullet proof stockings along with the cuffs. Great turn on.
ReplyDeleteHatzlacha on this business, however I notices that the dildos offered does not have a base which makes them unsafe for anal play.
ReplyDeleteWow love,,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteIs there a kollel discount?
ReplyDeleteOi Gevalt, Next we will have kosher Bacon and Ham, or Kosher Prawns, what fun, must be a F rummer Maidel, who got tired of her 30 second Hymie come quickly husband
ReplyDeleteI am amazed the Rebbes haven't fucked this new idea up (pun), after all that is what the "Gedolim" of our age do best.
ReplyDeleteMi k'amcha yisrael
ReplyDeleteLakewood boy..why don't you post yur name; U R A coward....if this is what's on your mind 2 weeks b4 the holiest days of the year you & your wife are in big trouble..besides machshil the rabbim.
ReplyDeleteAl eileh ani bochia.......
I agree with the latter 2 posters. This was on page 3 of Post. HOW could you idetify yourself as a Yeshiva boy from L/W...you are a former benchwarmer. As soon as your identity is revealed (& you know it will be) you might as well move out of the country. What a busha, & right before R"H & YK. Lowlife, you & your wife.Sure your parents are "shepping"...