Prosecutors will ask a grand jury Tuesday to indict 17 cops in a massive ticket-fixing scandal - and many of the targeted officers are officials in the city's largest police union.
The Bronx district attorney's office is seeking indictments for perjury, bribery, rewarding official misconduct and other charges.
Cops in prosecutors' cross-hairs include several delegates in the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, individual cops, sergeants and at least one lieutenant, sources said
Most of the cops will be allowed to turn themselves in before making their first court appearances in Bronx Supreme Court, sources said.
Others could be arrested at their precincts.
Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson has given NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly a run-down on the expected indictments, sources said.
"It's going to be the biggest scandal this department has seen in a long time," said one source close to the investigation. "The cops who will be named in these indictments are the ones who went the furthest."
No arrests are expected until next week, sources said.
Any indictments will be the culmination of a two-year investigation by cops and prosecutors into the widespread practice of ticket-fixing in the NYPD.
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