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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Arrest Made In Connection With Missing Boy

4:57AM EST (Wednesday): A person has just been taken into custody in connection with the disappearance of 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky.

Highly-credible sources tell that the NYPD raided a home in the Kensington area, and have taken at least one person away under heavy escort. The location is not far from where he was last seen.

There is no further info to report as of this time.
5:16AM EST (Wednesday)

BORUCH DAYAN EMMES: Petira Of 9-Year-Old Leiby Kletzky A”H

BORUCH DAYAN EMMES: Petira Of 9-Year-Old Leiby Kletzky A”H

BORUCH DAYAN EMMES: Petira Of 9-Year-Old Leiby Kletzky A”H
6:15AM EST (wednesday)

The 35-year-old suspect was taken into custody after police and FBI agents went into a house in the Kensington section of Brooklyn just after 4 a.m. Police tracked the man down using the surveillance video and tracing credit-card purchases.

That person, described as a member of the Orthodox Jewish community, reportedly told them to go to the dumpster, on 20th Street off Fourth Avenue in Greenwood Heights. Police found the dumpster's lid open and a suitcase inside that contained portions of the boy's dismembered body. Other parts of the body were reportedly found at the man's home, possibly in a refrigerator.


  1. joe do you ever sleep at night?

  2. What kind of person would do such a thing?? And, yes, I agree with Anonymous above.

  3. joe how do you get all the information so fast

  4. This guy should be hung in middle of Boro Park!!

  5. Yes the guy should be hung in the middle of borough park so all the other child molesters in your neighborhood could see it... and know this will be them next. Start speaking and stop covering up for others....
    This is a valuable leasen for those other preditors in the so called religious community..
    turn yourselves in for the sake of others...
