
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish wife turned model describes her divorce ordeal as she continues to fight for full custody of her children
An ugly divorce battle that has shocked New Jersey's haredi community is making headlines in the US and Britain over Pearlperry Reich's attempts to divorce her husband Sinai Meir Sholz and gain full custody of her four children – even though she is no longer a member of the haredi community and is now launching a modeling career.
According the New York Post and Britain's Daily Mail, the mother of four has spoken out about her ordeal at the hands of an Orthodox Jewish community- saying she was trapped in an abusive arranged marriage for six years.
Pearlperry Reich, 30, says she was pushed into an arranged marriage with Sinai Meir Sholz in her home of Borough Park in Brooklyn, New York and had 'issues' right from the start.
Ms Reich told the Daily Mail about what she describes as an emotionally and physically abusive marriage.
She claims her husband called her a 'slut' in front of her children, cut up one of her $4,000 wigs and warned her that she was 'playing with fire' by seeking to leave the Orthodox community.
Ms Reich, who is launching a modeling and acting career, says that her husband is trying to portray her as an unstable and promiscuous woman in order to retain custody.
Reich told Ynet that her former husband and rabbis in the haredi community "used and abused my children in an attempt to persuade me back into the marriage and curb me in any way possible. They destroyed my children's stability for their religious beliefs. For example, they took my children out oh Chabad schools and claimed it wasn't religious enough."
Since she left her husband five years ago, she has moved from Brooklyn to Lakewood, New Jersey because she feels it is more accepting.
I vary considerably from the accepted orthodoxy level in the Lakewood community and have since become a lot more liberal and open minded,'' she noted..
She also has a boyfriend and her ex's lawyers say that she is behaving inappropriately by kissing her boyfriend in front of their four children.
She said that while she may not follow the religion's rules all of the time, she is very clear to do so while her children are present.
I keep my home 100 per cent Kosher in regards to the kids,' she said.
She also said that since she left her husband five years ago, she has done the lion's share of the child rearing for all four of their children- ages 5, 7, 8 and 9 years old.
Complicating the legal matters of the case, the couple agreed to a beth din- a special contract issued in rabbinical courts- that said they would share custody and she would raise the children in accordance with Orthodox teachings.
She now argues that she was not aware of what she was signing, hoping to repeal the decision.
Because she left the tight-knit religious community, she has been very alone throughout the ordeal, with even her parents ganging up against her.
Now, she just hopes that her case earns enough attention and sympathy to overturn the agreement that she signed in rabbinical court which allows her husband joint custody.
It's more than emotionally draining- it's psychological, mental,' she said.
Ms Reich's plight comes just a week after the announcement that another woman named Deborah Feldmen who left the Orthodox lifestyle has penned a memoir about her time in her ultra-conservative marriage.
Rather than writing a book, Ms Reich is using social media as a way to tell her story. Her Facebook support group already has over 2,000 followers and she has launched a Facebook Causes page to help her raise money to pay for the ensuing legal battle.
קרב הגירושים של החרדית שהפכה לדוגמנית
פנינה רייך עזבה עם ילדיה את הקהילה החרדית בברוקלין, ופנתה לקריירת דוגמנות. מאז, כבר שש שנים שהיא נאבקת על קבלת הגט מבעלה, שדורש כי תוותר על תביעתה למשמורת מלאה על הילדים - בהתאם לפסיקת בית הדין הרבני בעניינם
קרב גירושים מכוער מסעיר את הקהילה החרדית בניו-יורק וניו-ג'רסי. מאבקם של פנינה (פְּרלפֵּרִי) רייך ובעלה סיני-מאיר שולץ הגיע לכותרות העיתונים בארצות הברית ובבריטניה בשל תביעתה של האשה לקבל משמורת מלאה על ארבעת ילדיהם המשותפים - על אף שהיא כבר חזרה בשאלה, ומפתחת קריירה של דוגמנות והגשה טלוויזיונית
המאבק בין רייך ובעלה, כך על פי הדיווחים ב"ניו-יורק פוסט" וב"דיילי מייל", נמשך כבר כשש שנים. השניים התחתנו באמצעות שידוך, כשהייתה בת 18 - ולדבריה, כבר בתחילת הדרך ניכרו בעיות קשות ביחסים
לטענת רייך, בעלה התעלל בה פיזית ונפשית - בין היתר כשלדבריה איים עליה "את משחקת באש, ועד שתביני זאת יהיה כבר מאוחר מדי". רייך, שכבר השיגה לפחות פעם אחת צו הרחקה לשולץ, אף מספרת כי הבעל אמר לבתם שאמהּ מתנהגת כ"זונה" ובמקרה אחר אף השחית פאה נכרית שהייתה שייכת לה, בשווי של 4,000 דולר.
ל-ynet סיפרה רייך כי בן זוגה לשעבר והרבנים בקהילה החרדית "השתמשו והתעללו בילדיי, בניסיון לשדל אותי חזרה אל הנישואים, ולכבול אותי בכל דרך אפשרית. הם הרסו את היציבות של הילדים שלי רק בשביל האמונות הדתיות שלהם. כך למשל הם הוציאו את הילדים ממסגרת של חב"ד, בטענה שזה לא מספיק דתי שם, וכן מטיפול וייעוץ משפחתי שקיבלנו
לפני כשש שנים החליטה רייך שהיא עוזבת את הקהילה בשכונה החרדית בורו-פארק שברוקלין, ועוברת עם ילדיה ללייקווד, ניו ג'רזי - כדי לנסות ולפתוח דף חדש וקריירה כדוגמנית ומגישה. אלא שכאן הסיפור הסתבך עוד יותר.
בית המשפט מול בית הדין
על-פי הדיווחים, רייך ושולץ הסכימו ללכת לבית דין רבני, שפסק כי לאב ולאם תהיה משמורת משותפת על הילדים. לטענת רייך, היא לא הבינה לגמרי על מה היא חתמה וכעת ומבקשת כעת את עזרת בית המשפט האמריקני כדי שישחרר אותה מכבלי בית הדין - וייתן לה משמורת מלאה.
האב מצדו לא מסכים לתת גט עד שאשתו תוותר על הדרישה לחזקה מלאה על הילדים. "יש לא מעט בעיות בעזיבת הקהילה האורתודוכסית. טובת הילדים היא שימשיכו לגדול באווירה שבה היו עד כה", טען עורך דינו של שולץ, ריצ'רד סרבין, בפני ה"ניו-יורק פוסט"
עוד פורסם כי בשמו של הבעל נכתב על רייך שהיא מתנהגת באופן "מופקר" וכי היא "לא מצליחה לחשוב בהיגיון לטווח ארוך, ופועלת כל העת בהתאם לדחפיה המיניים".
במכתב ששיגרה ל"דיילי מייל" הבהירה רייך כי היא אמנם מחזיקה בתפיסה ליברלית יותר כרגע, אבל אל מול ילדיה היא מתנהגת אך ורק על-פי ההלכה
היהודית, וכך היא מתכוונת להמשיך לפעול.
"ניסיתי ומיצית כל אפשרות אחרת לפני שפרסמתי את הסיפור בפומבי, הבטחתי זאת לילדיי", סיפרה רייך ל-ynet, "אבל יותר מכל עליי גם להבטיח לילדיי שיהיה להם בית יציב במיוחד, עם אמא שלהם, ושהם לא יהיו נתונים לחסדיו של בית הדין ואנשים אחרים מטעם הקהילה הדתית-קיצונית". לדברי רייך, גם כעת, היא אינה מתכוונת להוציא את כל הכביסה המלוכלכת, אלא להתעסק אך ורק במה שנחוץ לניצחון בבית המשפט.
כרגע מתוכנן לזוג דיון נוסף בבית המשפט לענייני משפחה בניו-ג'רזי, שם יוחלט האם להיענות לבקשת האם. עד אז, רייך מנסה להשיג תמיכה באמצעות הרשת החברתית - ובדף הפייסבוק שלה כבר יותר מ-2,000 חברים שהצטרפו למאבקה.
Perri is going public and portraying herself as the victim after she was declared incompetent and to have personality disorders by a court appointed MD and will be losing the children. Her husband is beloved to all that know him and its a shame that she is using the kids as weapons. She openly admits that she brings men of all races to her house in front of her kids. Her own family is siding with her husband. $4,000 wig sounds like abuse to me !!
ReplyDeleteFood for thought.
Can someone explain to me why her husband didn't give her a get. Holding back a get in in my opinion the biggest abuse one could do. I am talking from experience.
ReplyDeleteCus shes not even asking for a get. She is not religious anymore and thus sees no need for one. She is only fighting for her kids as any good mother should. The only problem is - in the end of all this she will be a destroyed women and even worse than that - her kids will end up paying for all this with interest. Look around at all the other people that went thru such situations. There was never a happy ending. I think she is being very short sighted and doing things on impulse. Its never a good idea to use your kids for revenge. poor women. she is very sweet, I know her. but shes definitely not all there.
DeleteI have known her for many years. there was a time that we were good friends.
ReplyDelete2 things you should know about this person.
1. She has no conscious. She will sleep with her best friends husband if it made her feel good. She's in love with herself. Even if her own children will suffer because of her she wouldn't blink for a second.
2. She is totally incapable of thinking past the moment. She cant grasp the point that what you do today you might regret tomorrow - despite the fact that her life has been one long string of kicking herself in the pants for what she did yesterday. She cant grasp that her children will suffer tremendously if she wants them growing up frum, with the most famous mother in Lakewood - famously known for the past few years as the " Westgate Zona".
For those poor kids sake, I hope they never see her again.
word is shes currently involved with a black guy from red bank and another model partner. can someone verify?
ReplyDeleteshe has people coming all night, some are tall, some are white, some are indian, some are fat, some come in Hummers, some come in jeeps, and one already came with a stretch limo parked across the street, but they all have one thing in common, they all have big bucks as she charges $1000 an hour
ReplyDeleteI hope people are smart enough to document this. CCTV.
ReplyDeleteSomeone claims, she along with her BF forced her son into a car on shabbos and forced him to go watch a christmas movie. Is that true? can anyone verify that?
ReplyDeleteya i was there so was your wife shes gorgeous
DeleteTalk Less and do more.The Photo taken with the wedding cake dress was a dress that she used to wear with pride at20 when the world was not as open to her.Through marriage and thinking that she may have more freedom living with her arranged husband she discovered a world that may have been interesting appealing and something different from the life that she was born into.I am just an outsider looking in and people must look at the dynamics that lead to the "good girls gone bad" issues as with time we will be seeing more and more of this rebellious teenage behavior in both women and men that felt they never experienced childhood,felt that there was more to life than having babies and being told to shave your head, wear bulletproof stockings and cook like the dickens. To all of you who are trying to confim this physically attractive 30year old womans "bad actions"lets look at what attributed to them? She obviously did not fit in in the first place,did the community help her when she needed help? Does anyone know what Pereleh went through and what she constitutes as abuse? How was she abused..maybe not being allowed to drive?Did she refuse to go to the ritual bath? Did she abuse her husband by putting him and the kids in a position where he became helpless and a Rachmoonas? Did she drive him to anger. Even in arranged marriages the 2 are dancing,do you know their special dance? The dance is over. Did she feel that;" Not being able to sneak a teen magazine into the house?Not being able to go out alone at night to chill with some dudes who "just want to talk"??? What triggered her teenage rebellion and who or what exposed her to a life of hiding, shame and neglect of her past?" It is fun to pose in a Bikini when modesty has been imposed,the new world she found is one that she may want to live in and her anger at the world who Judges her is now hurting her terribly as well as her 4 confused kids. The Shock effects and the lack of boundaries are gifts that she now flirts with and may she remain safe A"H. The young women who want to leave all love to fantasize about modeling, acting, being a movie star but lack the communication skills to even hold an interview, maintain a job and are just manipulated by kind wealthy men who just want to help this beautiful woman and maybe "show her love for a little while" but they all end up leaving or having family issues. Perry has been accused of many things that in the world she was raised is Taboo. The Taboos have turned to fun and party and she seems to take time to enjoy what she sees the rest of the world doing.Is she happy? Who knows, but the downward spiral of lack of information of the world has led other "off the derech" women to a life of drugs, addiction in all areas and ultimately in sadness if the selfish absorbtion and obsessive pursuit of beauty and pleasure that lead to lonliness and unrealistic ideals.If the community is not for you go in peace, find yourself and make it safely. Look outside of yourself to see how the kids may feel and how or what they might need right now.How much of yourself can you give when you never got what you feel u needed. And Now to find all you feel was taken from you and make a life outside of the Shtetel.There are many sides to a story but the patterns and profiles seem to be based upon alot of information that the reader does not know.I empathize with the entire family and the shame they must feel, but shame begets more shame and an open forum will be around longer than this news and her kids and grandkids will be reading your nonesence.Watch and see what she can make of herself even if its not in your world and let actions and behaviors be proof be in how she can manage on her own!!"Shaker ha chain V hevel ha yofi"Frielechen Peeeerim and No chillul hashem please
ReplyDelete"Dont Judge me it could be me in another life in another set of Circumstances" Sting and Dont write stuff her kids will hear in the future. Am echad Lev echad?????
Esther a fellow Yid