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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Is US President Barack Obama’s Marriage on the Rocks?

                           Formidable: Michelle Obama with her husband

Mail Online reported citing The National Enquirer that the Obamas are sleeping in separate bedrooms, and that the President has been disloyal to his wife. Michelle reportedly discovered that Obama's secret service bodyguards were helping the President cover up his infidelity.

According to the publication, the problems in their marriage came out in the open during Nelson Mandela's memorial service, when Obama posed for a "selfie" with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. It is also being said that Michelle was displeased with the act, leading to "ugly" fights between the couple.

Tensions between the President and his wife was also said to be one of the reasons why Michelle stayed behind in Hawaii, while Obama and their children - Sasha and Malia - returned to Washington.

But the White House refuted these claims, and said that Michelle's extended stay was a birthday gift from the President. Michelle turned 50 on Jan. 17.

"If you have kids, you know that telling your spouse they can spend a week away from home is actually a big present," Obama's spokesperson told the media at the time.

 Interestingly, this is not the first time the Obamas' marriage has come under scrutiny. Mail Online reported that ever since Obama became the President, two books have claimed that the couple has come close to getting divorced during the early years of their marriage.

These books claimed that Obama's political ambition took a toll on their personal lives.

"There was little conversation and even less romance. She was angry at his selfishness and careerism; he thought she was cold and ungrateful," Washington reporter Richard Wolffe wrote, according to Mail Online.

Michelle was also said to be unhappy with life in Washington. The author of a book on former French First Lady, Carla Bruni, stated that when asked about life in Washington, Michelle replied, "Don't ask! It's hell. I can't stand it!"

However, Michelle has denied saying anything to that effect.

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