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Thursday, October 3, 2013

NY POST: Hynes Set To Announce He's Staying In Race For Brooklyn DA

New York - Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes is set to announce on Tuesday that he is relaunching his campaign, and will campaign along Republican and Conservative party lines to stay in office.

The NEW YORK POST reports that Hynes campaign spokesman Jerry Schmetterer said, “The DA is making a formal announcement Tuesday to lay out the reasons for his decision to continue the campaign.”

Schmetterer also confirmed that a Wednesday night fundraiser in Bay Ridge raised about $150,000 for Hynes’ coffers.

Recent revelations that former Brooklyn Democratic Party head Clarence Norman, who was locked up by Hynes for accepting illegal campaign contributions, was instrumental in engineering Ken Thompson’s victory has fueled speculation that Hynes may get back in the race.

A source close the situation said, “He’s going to run on the Republican and Conservative line. He’s outraged that Clarence Norman is involved. Everybody says Clarence Norman is all over town pounding on his chest saying he took Hynes out.”

An additional Hynes insider said, “We put Norman in jail, and Thompson put him on the payroll.”

Frank Seddio, Chairman of the Kings County Democratic Committee, release a statement saying “Ken Thompson won the primary fair and square. 

This is no time for Joe Hynes to turn his back on the Democratic Party.  We profoundly regret his action after a long and distinguished career in public service.

The cynical Republican-led effort to create an internecine feud among Democrats in the race for Brooklyn District Attorney will end in failure.  Brooklyn Democrats are 100 percent united behind our candidate Ken Thompson who will win in November.”

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