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Friday, December 14, 2012

UFOs spotted over Brooklyn

NEW YORK - UFOs spotted over Prospect Heights in Brooklyn have the neighborhood buzzing.

A video from earlier this month shows three lights moving in the night sky. It was shot on the corner of Dean Street and Vanderbilt Ave.

People have theories about what the lights could be.

Nathan Schneider says, "December 21st is coming up, the Mayan end of the world or the beginning of a new maybe it has something to do with that. You really can't be sure these days."

There was a similar sighting spotted over the weekend in San Francisco.

Hunter College Astronomy Professor Kelle Cruz says the unidentified flying objects might just be lanterns.

"They look just like Chinese lanterns. Those objects rise in the sky. And they look like they're in unison because they are moving based on wind moving in the same direction," Cruz says.

Others in the area say they hope they're more than lanterns.

"I want it to be UFOs," Matt Reynolds said. He joking added, "I want them to come down and be friendly and teach me how to make pancakes."

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