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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tragedy – Rav Yissacher Dov Englander Z”L

Dov Berish Englander

London - A member of London’s strictly Orthodox community has drowned while on holiday in Wales.

47-year-old, Dov Berish Englander , from Stamford Hill, north London, got into difficulties in the sea off Aberystwyth beach on Thursday morning.

According to some reports Englander was using the sea for his daily ritual immersion as a substitute for the mikveh.

He was highly respected for his level of religious knowledge and his charitable work.

The Welsh holiday town is a popular resort for strictly Orthodox families. Jewish holidaymakers were comforting each other following the tragic incident.

In June, Satmar Chasid Rabbi Chaim Breisch died after struggling in a rough sea off Broadstairs, Kent.

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