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Saturday, August 11, 2012

NYPD Detective Shot in N.J.

New Jersey  - An off-duty Brooklyn detective was shot in the shoulder in New Jersey late last night after he was caught at the shooter’s house with the man’s estranged wife, neighbors and law-enforcement authorities said.

The cop — who works at NYPD’s 63rd Precinct in Flatlands — was “grazed” in the shoulder on a tree-lined residential street in Manalapan in Monmouth County, a source said.

He was treated for non-life threatening injuries at a local hospital and has already been released, authorities said.

The shooter — Robert C. Dunbar, 35, originally of Staten Island — is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose, Monmouth County authorities said.

He got home about 11:30 p.m. to find his wife with her new detective boyfriend and shot him — despite his three young children sleeping in the house, sources said.

Cops chased his cell phone signal to a town nearby but found the device had been dumped.

“He’s still at large,” said Christopher Gramiccioni, acting prosecutor in Monmouth County, who is spearheading a manhunt for Dunbar alongside state and federal authorities.

Neighbors say the couple was going through marital problems and Dunbar’s wife tried to have a restraining order placed against him.

“We knew there were some problems going on. We knew they were separating,” one neighbor said. “I talked to the husband, he seemed like a nice guy.

“It’s very unusual for this area,” the neighbor added. “This is totally out of the ordinary.”

There is a for sale sign outside the couple’s home, which neighbors say went up a few months ago.

“What else could it be except for a jealous husband coming after the new boyfriend?” neighbor Leslie Howard said. "I used to live in Brooklyn, and I moved out here specifically to get away from the shootings and the senseless violence and all that madness.

“You can take a person out of the hood, but that doesn’t mean the hood won’t follow you.”


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