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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rihanna Studying Kabbalah With Ashton Kutcher

“Ashton Turns Rihanna On… To Kabbalah!” reads a headline from Star, which claims Rihanna is “getting spiritual guidance” from Ashton Kutcher.

The mag claims Kutcher is “encouraging her to study Kabbalah,” and that Rihanna is quite the eager student.

According to a “source” for the tabloid, “Rihanna is so interested in Ashton’s beliefs that she has arranged sessions with his rabbi.”

Ah, so when is this alleged tutorial going to take place?

In about one week… from NEVER.

Rihanna and Kutcher are not holding secret Kabbalah meetings.

This story is just Star’s way of prolonging the drama of the pair’s rumored hookup from a few weeks back.

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