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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gov. Christie to meet with N.J. Jewish leaders

Gov. Christie travels to Golan Heights

BRIDGEWATER — Days after returning from a trip to Israel, Gov. Chris Christie will meet today with Jewish leaders in New Jersey.

Christie was in Jerusalem during Holy Week for a trade mission and tour. He then traveled to Jordan with his family before returning home on Sunday.

The governor traveled with a delegation of 13 business and religious leaders. He met with top Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Perez.

Gov. Jon Corzine made a similar trip in 2008.

Christie's trip was financed by the Republican Jewish Coalition, a Washington-based lobbying group, and Choose NJ, an economic development group funded by corporate donations. Neither has disclosed the amount of their sponsorship.

Taxpayers paid for Christie's security detail, the cost of which the governor's office will release once it's tabulated.

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