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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fox affiliate in Florida portrays Neo-Nazis as ‘civil rights group’ trying to protect white citizens following Trayvon Martin shooting

A Fox affiliate in Florida portrayed a group of Neo-Nazis as "a civil rights group" that wanted to protect white citizens in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting.

A story on was posted Saturday with the headline, "Civil rights group patrolling Sanford," referring to the National Socialist Movement.

The headline was later changed to "Neo-Nazi group patrolling Sanford," but not before the political blog website Little Green Footballs produced a screengrab (SEE HERE) of the original headline.

After changing the headline, added an Editor's Note to the bottom of the story, saying, "The report originally published Saturday inadvertently referred to the National Socialist Movement as a civil rights group. We intended to refer to them as a 'self-proclaimed' civil rights group."

In the accompanying video report, Fox Orlando reporter Jennifer Bisram introduced the group by saying, “There’s another civil rights group in town. The National Socialist movement.”

In the report, Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement tells Bisram: "We are a white civil rights organization, and we go into areas where we’re needed and where white citizens need our help."

After the report aired, anchor Keith Landry did say that the National Socialist Movement is known as a neo-Nazi group, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

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