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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Brooklyn Russian Party, fight led to roommate dismemberment

Police enter the building where a Brooklyn man allegedly chopped up his roommate.

A Russian immigrant told cops yesterday that he killed his Brooklyn roommate in a fistfight during a wild party, chopped up his body and tried to dissolve the dismembered corpse in vats of bleach, sources told The Post.

Sergey Mamontov, 50, who was in custody last night, said the victim, 55, died during a March 25 blowup in their Sheepshead Bay apartment, the sources said.

His death went unnoticed until yesterday, when a friend of the victim went to the fourth-floor apartment on Nostrand Avenue looking for the man.

The suspected butcher told him he was gone — for good.

“You’re not going to see him anymore. He’s not around anymore,” Mamontov allegedly told him. “I cut him up.”

The pal then told cops, who walked into the grisly scene at around 1 p.m.

They found vats of a bleach-acid combo containing what appeared to be human body parts inside the apartment and in the suspect’s refrigerator, the sources said.

The fridge was filled with a five-gallon bucket and eight smaller Clorox bottles.

“There isn’t even room for an egg” in the refigerator, one source said.

Another source said, “We have body parts. We have a rib cage there. We don’t know how much of the body is there.”

Outside, cops collected a pair of Goodwill donation boxes that gave off a stomach-churning odor of decaying flesh.

Investigators were also going through every piece of trash in the building by hand as they searched for more human body parts.

Mamontov, who has two prior DUI busts and one for grand larceny, told cops he’d taken the victim in as a roommate six months ago, but the two did not get along.

The last straw came when Mamontov said he came home to find the victim partying with two or three pals.

The alleged butcher chucked the drinking buddies out, and he and the roommate, whose name was withheld, got into the vicious fistfight that left the older man dead.

The suspect said he chopped the body up and immersed the parts in the bleach hoping to destroy the evidence, sources said.

A teen who lives in the apartment directly below Mamontov’s said that he heard loud banging that night.

“Me and my mom heard something really hard fell and I heard screaming. It was quick. I heard screaming, but it scared me,” said Alan Lazebnik, 16, a student at James Madison HS.

“I jumped, and I was going to go tell the super, but since it stopped so quick, I figured I would just tell him next time I saw him,” said Lazebnik, who told cops the same story.

The Medical Examiner’s Office was studying the suspected body parts — including what clearly looked like fingers — to confirm that they were human.

A female neighbor described the suspect — who has lived in the building for 13 years — as creepy.
“He approached me [recently] and said, ‘Come up to 4D, the party’s in 4D,’” she said.

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