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Monday, April 9, 2012

B’Chadrei Charedim Editor Charges “Will Shock Chareidi World”

Jerusalem - Those close to the editor of embattled Israeli news site B’chadrei Charedim promise that upon his release from jail, the site’s editor will call a press conference where he will level explosive charges of his own against the Chareidi world.

According to reports in Maariv, the editor, whose name has not been released, has received numerous threats in the past few months, which have been reported to the police.

“These charges are a well orchestrated attack by Chareidim who felt that freedom of the press had no place in their world,” said sources with close ties to the editor. “They specifically told him that they would shut down B’Chadrei Chareidim and once released from prison he will name those who threatened him and say things that will shake the Chareidi world.”

Family members dismissed the claim that this could be the largest blackmail scheme ever to take place in Israel.

“There have been many cases that have begun in a grandiose fashion, only to end with nothing more than a whimper and we have no doubt that the truth will emerge in court,” said relatives.

The editor was described by family members as a simple man from Cholon, who lived in a small apartment, taking on financial responsibility for his family at an early age in order to help his elderly mother.

“He has never lived a life of luxury, nor does he now,” said relatives. “He lives in a simple rented apartment, drives an old car and works hard on his business. We can’t remember the last time he took a vacation. His lawyer and his accountant both asked ‘If he supposedly took all that money, then what happened to it?’ While we were aware that was an investigation looming, we knew the charges weren’t true so there was no reason to worry.”

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