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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Woodmere, NY - FBI Responding for Explosive Devices Found In Home

WOODMERE, N.Y. - The FBI responded to a home on Long Island with a bomb disposal unit.

Police responded to alarm at the home on Narrow Lane in Woodmere at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

When police arrived a man was in driveway.

Police asked him for ID. He showed them a credit card. T hey said that wasn't correct ID.

So, the 53-year old man Marc Ringel went into house. As he opened front door police got overwhelming smell of pot. Police opened up the door and saw tons of pot plants. They also spotted a handgun and two grenades. Police say grenades look "very real".

The man was taken into custody. He didn't resist arrest but did get agitated when police went inside the home.

Police say he is a resident of the home but not an owner.

ATF and the FBI have been working hours to disable the grenades. They also sent in robots and have gone inside the home wearing special suits.

About 20 residents were evacuated from the neighborhood and will be for at least a few more hours.

Neighbors say that the owner of the home is an elderly couple who winters in Florida. That's where they are now. They say they are a "very nice" couple.

“Definitely not healthy looking. He looked like he could have been on drugs or drunk,” one neighbor said of Ringel.

But a friend of nearly 20 years called Ringel a good man caught in a bad circumstance.

“I think that you have to sort things out and you’ll find a benign reason for things. Let’s wait and see because I can’t believe that kind of person would be what that suggests,” Stu Bitterman said.

Officials say the find is not terrorism related.

Police Bomb Squad Searches Long Island Home:


  1. Of course he would get aggitated when the police entered the home, there was alot to hide there.

  2. I was involved with Mr Ringel for 10 years. Who is Stu?
    His reasons were not benign....he was planning on taking at least 6 peoples lives from them. He is right where he needs to be..behind bars!
