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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Skver Rebbe blessing US Army before Purim

A group of US Army servicemen serving at a base near the Skver Rebbe came to ask him for a blessing before Purim.
קבוצת חיילים קרביים מצבא ארצות-הברית, המשרתים בבסיס סמוך לשיכון סקווירא, הגיעו עם ילדיהם למעונו של האדמו"ר מסקווירא להתברך לקראת פורים


  1. What a sick scum bag, anything for publicity. Great it's very nice to honor our military, but would this firefly Rebbe do the same for Zahal?

  2. piece of $hit. I sure hope he doesn't put them on fire maybe they will go daven somewhere else for a bracha
