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Sunday, March 4, 2012

MK Rabbi Eichler: Reform Jews anti-Semites

Rabbi Yisroel Eichler

UTJ Knesset member blasts Reform Movement reps presenting women's exclusion report for being 'anti-Semites'; finds himself removed from meeting over 'unacceptable behavior'

MK Yisrael Eichler (United Torah Judaism) was removed from a Knesset Women's Committee meeting this week, after he called members of the Reform Movement "anti-Semites."

Tuesday saw Reform Movement representatives present the Knesset's Committee on the Status of Women with a report about women's exclusion in Israel, at which point Eichler lashed out at them for being "anti-Semites who hate Israel," adding that the "Reform Jews are worse than our enemies."

Committee Chairwoman MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) removed him from the meeting over his "unacceptable behavior."

MK Eichler told Hotovely that by including Reform Jews in the committee, "she marked herself as an enemy of the Haredi Judaism." He further threatened that "Hotovely would pay for her actions."

The Reform Movement announced that they are planning to file a complaint with the Knesset Ethics Committee over MK Eichler's "inciting words."

Reform Rabbi Gilad Kariv, who spoke in front of the committee told Ynet: "We were invited to the committee's session in order to present a report concerning exclusion of women. MK Eichler lashed out at us before we even managed to say a word. His words are shameful. He must have not yet decided who he hates more – Arabs, Reform Jews or women."

Committee Chairwoman Tzipi Hotovely said in response that she was "saddened to see a political official abuse his power and take advantage of a Knesset debate in order to boost his popularity."

MK Eichler seemes unfazed, saying he will not worry about "such a far fetched complaint" to the Ethics Committee.

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