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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

KKK white supremacist running for sheriff in Idaho

Shaun Winkler, a white supremacist and member of the Ku Klux Klan, wants to be the Bonner County Sheriff

SANDPOINT, Idaho — A white supremacist in northern Idaho wants to be the next Bonner County sheriff, saying federal overreach motivated him to run for the office.

Shaun Winkler of the White Knights of the KKK will go up against incumbent Sheriff Daryl Wheeler and Ponderay police officer Tim Fry in the Republican primary on May 15

The winner of that contest will face independent candidate Rocky Jordan in November.

The Bonner County Daily Bee reports Winkler has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian and acknowledges his personal beliefs could cast a pall over his campaign.

But the 33-year-old says he’s not running to push a white supremacist agenda.

The Aryan Nations is long gone from northern Idaho, but its reputation has lingered to the embarrassment of locals.


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  2. Behind this news-attracting situation of this individual is a broader theme that is down under the surface .. rankling. It is the presence of hatred. Doll it up however you want .. when someone takes the a priori stands that a `white supremist` takes in our country, he is not exactly working towards all of us getting along better. Is he? Hatred is eating us up from within ..

  3. It is not only ironic, it is rather disquieting that Kruschev, visiting our United States .. said just this, "you will be eaten up from within" - he might have compared the situation with that of an apple, rotting.

    We of Idaho are absolutely ferocious with our sense of individual freedom; but, we of Idaho must - now = NOW - be absolutely ferocious in developing our sense of community. Before it is too late .. and, it is close to too late ..
