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Friday, March 23, 2012

Brooklyn - Chabad Girls School Bans Students Facebook

Brooklyn, NY - The decision by the all-girls Beis Rivkah High School in Brooklyn, New York on Thursday to demand that all students delete their Facebook pages has continued into Friday, according to numerous students at the school.

It happened to the 11th grade yesterday and today they gave out papers to the 12th grade,” a student said.

All students The Algemeiner spoke with requested anonymity.

“People on the board said it’s not proper for us to have Facebook because girls might be talking to boys on Facebook or they might be putting up immodest pictures.”

The student says that while some girls might be engaging in what the board considers to be inappropriate, it’s a very small number of them.

“There are girls but it’s not a big percentage. There’s a very small amount that the school would be upset about,” she told The Algemeiner.

Another student of Beis Rivkah said that what the school is trying to stop will be done regardless of whether Facebook is allowed.

For the girls who do put up those kind of pictures and talk to boys, they’ll talk to boys anyways,” she said. reported on Thursday that parents and children were upset about the school’s decision to demand the deletion of Facebook accounts because it was the school that encouraged the accounts to be created in the first place, in an attempt to win funds from a “Kohl’s charity giveaway” in 2011.

I don’t plan on deleting it, I really like my Facebook,” one of the students said.

“They get all into something, they make the rule, they enforce it and after a little while girls will start getting Facebook again, or using different names.”

1 comment:

  1. just because a school has standards, these girls are testing to see how they can push them. they are basically asking them to change their standards. do that, and you just water down the beauty of the spirit of chasidim.
