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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Union of Orthodox Jews in London: Protest Against the Israeli Government

On Monday, February 13, orthodox Jews will gather outside the Israeli Embassy in London to express outrage at the Zionist government's treatment of the orthodox Jewish people in Israel.

At the behest of Israeli government officials, the Israeli Police have been using harassment tactics, violence, and brutality against orthodox Jews across Israel.

The Israeli Police have also been using the illegal and unethical tactic of pressing false and inflated charges against orthodox Jews and leaders. These charges often hold the threat of stiff prison terms, and are used in order to silence and scare legitimate protesters. Other tactics include late night police raids at homes of individuals, aimed at scaring them, their wives, and their children. Often, the judges release the arrested individuals after a day or two, realizing that the charges are bogus and without merit.

The protesters in London will have a message for the Israeli government: "we will not be silent as the rights of orthodox Jews in Israel are trampled upon." The protesters will declare publicly that the Israeli government does not represent the Jewish people nor the Jewish religion, and that the Torah forbids the Jewish people from having their own state in exile

This protest is being organized by Union of Orthodox Jews in London, an organization representing thousands of orthodox Jews across England.

1 comment:

  1. Crimes committed in name of laws and lands+ Sufferings at hands of fake friends = wrost enemies of Jewish foundations. // Long live true Jew.
