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Friday, February 10, 2012

Teacher fired after calling student ‘Jew boy’,

teacher in California is in the process of being fired after she called one student a ‘Jew boy’.

A teacher in California was fired after she called one student "Jew boy" and made fun of another special education student's speech impediment.

The La Canada Unified school board's decision to begin the dismissal of high school math teacher Gabrielle Leko came after a nearly nine month-long saga where the teacher has fought complaints that she used multiple racist and sexist comments in the classroom, KTLA-TV reported.

Parents, who lodged complaints as early as June of last year about the math teacher, were furious that it took so long.

"I am sickened, and really wish we could pull our kids out of this district," parent Amy Bernhard told The La Canada Valley Sun in November. "I am resentful that I have to devote my time and energy fighting this, a situation that should have been handled properly by the administration upfront, without our involvement."

She claimed she was trying to establish a rapport with her students.

After the original complaint, another adult was assigned to her classroom so she would never been alone with students, KTLA reported. In November, she was ordered to undergo diversity training. And in December, the school board recommended that the district reach a decision for her to leave.

At that meeting, the board also gave students the option to leave her class — which 17 students in two classes did.

Finally, on Tuesday, the board voted unanimously to fire her, effective at the end of this month.

"The board will continue to peruse all options, including a settlement that would result in the employee's separation from the district at the end of the current academic year," Board President Scott Tracy told KTLA.

On the teacher grading website Rate My Teachers, some users stood up for the La Canada High School teacher, saying she should not be fired.

"Excellent teacher, really helped out in the classroom. She should not be fired. There are a lot of teachers who have said things, but to fire her is wrong," one wrote.

But others said she was "atrocious".

"Her teaching style allowed little to no room for inquiry at the end of a lesson, and any such inquiry was often answered with mockery. It is clear she knows her material, she was just incapable of conveying it in a manner that the class understood and that the book agreed with. Also, she is very contradictory of herself, so new students, make sure to stay on your toes with regards to her policies," one wrote.

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