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Thursday, February 16, 2012

L.A. Jewish Man Forced to Sign Ticket on Shabbos

Los Angeles, CA - A twenty seven year old Brooklyn resident visiting Los Angeles on business last month found himself facing a difficult dilemma after crossing against a red light on his way to Shul Shabbos morning, when a policeman who ticketed him for jaywalking insisted that he either sign the ticket or be arrested and taken in to the local precinct for booking.

According to the Brooklyn man who asked not to publish his name, the incident occurred on January 21st at the corner of West 7th and Grand Streets in downtown Los Angeles. The man was on his way to Chabad of Downtown Los Angeles, located at West 7th Street and Broadway when he was approached by the officer, three blocks from where the infraction occurred.

Particularly disturbing was what appeared to be the anti-Semitic attitude of the police officer, according to the Brooklyn man, who felt that his religious rights were violated in the incident.

“My only choice was to sign the ticket or go to jail in his car,” the Brooklyn man told VIN News. “I explained to him that why I couldn’t sign the ticket. I told him to check my pockets so he could see I didn’t have a penny on me or any identification to prove that I am Jewish. He said ‘Just sign. G-d won’t be upset at you.’ I told him the Rabbi was right next door in the synagogue and asked if I could just go ask him if I should sign the ticket or face arrest, but he didn’t let me move away from the spot where he stopped me saying, ‘You aren’t going anywhere before you sign.’ It was clear that he knew that Jewish law prohibited me from signing the ticket, but he had no interest in my allowing me to uphold my religious rights.”

Feeling he had no other choice, the Brooklyn man signed the ticket, to which the officer allegedly responded, “Enjoy your Shabbos and keep safe.”

Sergeant Mitzi Fierro of the Media Relations section of the LAPD was dismayed to learn of the incident and said that while this incident took place outside the typically Orthodox areas of Los Angeles the LAPD, particularly in the Wilshire, North Hollywood and Van Nuys divisions which have large Jewish populations, prides itself on being sensitive to the religious needs of the people it serves.

“It is in fact, the policy of the Los Angeles Police Department to allow each person the right to exercise their religious freedom,” Sergeant Fierro told VIN News. “In this particular case, while I am not privy to exactly what occurred on that particular day, if the officer believed it was necessary to cite Mr. D, then he should have been allowed to receive his ticket in a manner that would not violate his religious beliefs. We spend hours training our officers, and conduct community outreach to all of our different communities within the city, including the Orthodox Community. I am at a loss as to why this officer would have forced the issue, unless he was unaware of this particular practice.”

Efforts to reach Sergeant Fierro’s commanding officer were unsuccessful.

While the Brooklyn man is hoping to put this incident behind him, he is hoping that others can learn from his unfortunate experience, which left him facing a hefty fine.

“Jaywalking is strictly enforced in Los Angeles,” he advised. “If you get ticketed for jaywalking, it will cost you $200 and if you refuse to sign a ticket, even on Shabbos, you will not only get arrested but will be fingerprinted, booked and have to return at a later time for a court date.

VIN News

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