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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Brian Cashman vs. alleged stalker Louise Neathway

Louise Neathway, aka Meanwell, hoists a cocktail in an undated photo.

Yankees GM Brian Cashman’s accused stalker sent him a slew of bombshell emails in recent days, warning she was going to tell the world he got her pregnant and she had an abortion.

In one scathing message sent to Cashman and his lawyer, Louise Neathway went so far as to attach a photo she claimed was a sonogram of the Bombers general manager’s unborn child.

What Brian Cashman has done to me is both incomprehensible and unforgivable,” Neathway wrote in a breathless, typo-filled email sent Jan. 29, which included the ultrasound photo.

I am going to the press and informaing [sic] them of the preganacy [sic] and the abortion. And everything else.”

Added Neathway: “So you can have a little gloat at my agony here is my ultra sound picture . . . I guess its ok for me to just push this aside right? Men!!!”

Neathway, in a separate email dated Jan. 30, threatened to make the 44-year-old Cashman’s life hell unless he coughed up cash for her “surgical procedures.”

She cited an abortion and warned that any threats against her will backfire.

I will not tolerate threats by any means, of a criminal nature, as that will bite Brian in the backside and probably will be the biggest personal mistake of his life,” wrote Neathway, a 36-year-old single mom.

“Because then everything will come out. The baby, abortion etc etc you get my drift.”

In the same email — sent to Cashman, his lawyer Eric Creizman and a friend of hers she says works for the British intelligence agency MI6 — Neathway insists that she will not go away until she gets what she wants.

I don’t want trouble and neither does Brian,” wrote Neathway, who has claimed she carried on a 10-month affair with the married Cashman.

Don’t think I will not go down without a fight because I will,” Neathway added. “I would advise you counsel your client in the correct moralistic and wise direction, as the lack of communications is going to make it far worse.”

The shocking emails were among a trove the Daily News obtained Saturday, a day after Cashman’s wife filed for divorce.

A source close to Cashman called Neathway’s claims baloney.

She has a long history of concocting claims relative to reproductive issues in order to harass people she’s targeting,” the source said. “She’s a psychotic person, and this is part of her scam.”

Prosecutors say Neathway, a British national with a history of stalking, extorted $6,000 from Cashman and tried to get an additional $15,000 from him to pay for an unspecified medical procedure.

The missives reveal that an increasingly erratic Neathway spent hours firing off emails to Cashman, his lawyer and Yankees brass in the days before she was arrested and jailed on Rikers Island.

In a followup email to Cashman dated Jan. 31, she begs him to stop ignoring her.

Bri we have to talk this is ridiculous now my lawyer is telling me to do all these things to you and I don’t want to please call me,” Neathway wrote.

I tried to call the pre-paid and it said it’s disconnected?” the accused stalker wrote. “Also your work phone going right into voicemail.”

In an email to a Bombers public relations man dated Feb. 1, Neathway accuses Cashman of hacking into her Facebook and Gmail accounts.

I am so stuck right now,” Neathway wrote to Yankees spokesman Jason Zillo. “I have been informed by Facebook and Gmail that Brian hacked into my accounts on Saturday.”

We hired a private investigator that specializes in computer technology and it went back to a Yankees-owned AT&T phone,” she wrote.

In the same email, Neathway — who also uses the name Louise Meanwell — delivers a thinly veiled threat against Cashman.

I don’t know what to do about this, Brian also relayed this to my mother,” she wrote. “I don’t want to hurt him but that’s a line that cannot be crossed. He read all my private emails without my permission.”

She even went so far as to file a police report the day she fired off the missive.

Law enforcement sources said Neathway made a complaint early Wednesday morning to officers at Manhattan’s 1st Precinct that “someone” had broken into her computer.

She did not list Cashman or anyone else as a suspect, the sources said, adding that cops were investigating Neathway’s allegation.

Neathway was arrested later that day and charged with harassment and extortion for allegedly stalking Cashman and demanding money because of the extramarital affair.

The Daily News also obtained a reference letter Cashman wrote for Neathway on Yankees letterhead.

In the note dated July 15, 2011, Cashman said that he has known Neathway for six years through charity work.

“Although I have not worked directly with her, we have both been involved in working on several charitable causes over the years,” Cashman wrote.

In these endeavors, Louise is known as a tireless and imaginative contributor to these very worthwhile projects. I believe that the best reference a person can receive is the respect and admiration of their colleagues, and Louise certainly has that.”

Cashman’s wife, Mary Cashman, filed divorce papers in Stamford, Conn., Friday, saying the marriage “has broken down irretrievably.”

In the papers, Mary Cashman makes it clear she wants permanent alimony, half their property and joint custody of their 13-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son.

The two were married for 16 years, but had been separated. Cashman’s wife stood by him three years ago when he was romantically linked to Kim Brennan, a Westchester mother of two.

Mary Cashman’s lawyer didn’t return a phone message on Saturday. A spokesman for Brian Cashman said the family wouldn’t comment on the filing.

The emails were obtained one day after it was revealed that Neathway’s mom, Caroline Meanwell, called 911 to report that her daughter needed help — allegedly at the prompting of Cashman’s lawyer.

A source close to the investigation said Saturday that during that 911 call, Caroline Meanwell told an operator her daughter was a diagnosed psychotic.

“She says that her daughter is very, very sick, and she’s been diagnosed as psychotic,” the source said. “She gives the name and number of the psychiatrist who made the diagnosis. She informs 911 that the doctor advised her that her daughter is a threat to herself and others.”

Neathway’s history of stalking includes an ex-boyfriend who accused her of harassment in 2010. She also has two open upstate warrants for harassment, and is on probation for stalking in New Jersey.

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