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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ron Paul's anti-Semitic past exposed

Ron Paul is anti-semitic

New Republic links GOP presidential hopeful to anti-Semitism, homophobia via series of past newsletters

WASHINGTON – The US media is continuing in its efforts to ferret out every embarrassing detail of the GOP candidates' past, in most cases, with a great deal of success. The New Republic magazine on Tuesday published a collection of newsletters signed by Ron Paul that expose statements linking Paul to homophobia, racism and conspiratorial thinking.

Among the newsletters published by The New Republic is one calling on Americans to equip themselves with weapons ahead of a “race war.” It also hinted at Israeli involvement in the Twin Tower bombings in 1993.

What else does the magazine expose? A letter on congressional letterhead, dated August 30, 1979, from Paul thanked Amos W. Bruce for "the copy of the article in The American Mercury and the copies of your essays. I found them all very interesting."

The American Mercury was an anti-Semitic magazine owned by Willis Carto, one of America's most notorious holocaust deniers and the founder of The Liberty Lobby.

The issue of The American Mercury Paul praised included essays entitled, "You Can't Escape the Kosher Food Tax," "Are You Ready for the White Man's Doomsday," and "Racism - Black African Style."

Willis Carto was also one of the founders of the USS Liberty lobby. The Liberty was a ship that was accidentally bombed by Israel (investigations by both the US and Israeli governments concluded that the attack was a mistake) during the Six Day War.

'In cahoots with Mossad'

A 1989 Political Report issue revived conspiracy theories about the USS Liberty, namely that Israel deliberately attacked an American warship.

The magazine also brings a 1988 issue of the Political Report in which it alleges that a female terrorist who bombed a disco in Berlin frequented by American servicemen (an operation backed by the Libyan government) "was in cahoots with Syria, or Israel's Mossad, which always seeks to stir up anti-Arab feeling here."

In the June 1990 Political Report Paul complained, in the context of deported war criminals, of “the anti-German bigotry that the Nazi specter is used to stir up” and suggested the creation of “a German Anti-Defamation League.”

The February 1991 Political Report claims that Israel’s “supporters in this country were the most bloodthirsty for war” against Iraq. “And why, would someone please explain to me, are we supposed to be so grateful to Israel because it lets us fight its war?” Paul's newsletter asks.

It also alleges that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq “was Israel’s enemy. This poor country of 17 million with a GNP less than 1% of ours was no threat to us, despite the hysteria of the Israel First Lobby.”

If that's not enough, The Survivor Report from February 1993 claimed that “major Jewish organizations are complaining that Zionists did not get enough jobs in the Clinton administration. Plenty of Jews were appointed but just being Jewish doesn’t count. These lobbyists want people 100% dedicated to Israel.”

Paul is also in trouble over his homophobic remarks. A January 1993 item in the Survival Report on gays in the military asserted that “Homosexuals, if admitted, should be put in a special category and not allowed in close physical contact with heterosexuals.”

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