A pro-family Orthodox Jewish rabbi is concerned that a potential Republican vice-presidential candidate has appointed an open homosexual to his state's supreme court.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) has announced he will nominate Bruce Harris to one of the two openings on the state's high court. But he has also told legislators that he would veto a proposed Senate bill legalizing same-sex "marriage" in the state. He is encouraging those who support such unions to let the New Jersey voters decide.
"Let's put the question of same-sex marriage on the ballot this fall in the hands of the people, the time when the most people will be voting -- the presidential election year," he urged.
But New York City Rabbi Yehuda Levin says something is wrong with Christie appointing the homosexual judge, then calling for the people to decide the issue.
"You're either with us or against us; you can't be halfway," he contends. "And Christie is not a strong social conservative. He's a social moderate, and this is unacceptable."
Rabbi Levin is also concerned that Christie, who is a supporter of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, has already been mentioned as a possible running mate for the former Massachusetts governor.
"This is Romney's friend. He's doing just like Romney -- everything short of homosexual 'marriage,'" the rabbi notes. "Romney has to be defeated at any cost, or we know what kind of Supreme Court nominees he will appoint and how that will impact on our country for decades to come."
Rabbi Levin believes a Romney-Christie ticket would be focused on the economy, but he says no amount of financial tinkering can save a country that is morally bankrupt.
Hinges on one man
Although Governor Chris Christie has vowed to veto a homosexual marriage bill, there is an increasing chance of passage in the legislature. Support for same-gender marriage has grown since the last session of the legislature, according to Len Deo of the New Jersey Family Policy Council.
"Steve Sweeney, who is the Senate president [and] who last time basically abstained from the vote, which was a no vote, now has indicated his strong support citing this as a civil rights issue -- which we believe is a lie and a mistruth," states the family advocate.
Deo says it is essential for the governor to stick by his commitment to honor traditional marriage through a veto.
"I would be shocked if they could get the votes that they need for a veto override," he offers. "... Really, it's amazing that this hinges on one man right now -- and it looks like our governor [may have the final say] because on a simple majority it looks very likely that the bills are going to pass through both chambers."
Christie has encouraged lawmakers to back a proposed constitutional amendment on a future election ballot.
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