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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rabbi accused of sexually assaulting teens

Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch in court

Northern District Prosecutor's Office files indictment against 61-year-old Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch for allegedly assaulting four minors who turned to him for spiritual guidance

The Northern District Prosecutor's Office has filed an indictment Sunday against 61-year-old Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch of Afula for allegedly sexually assaulting four minors who turned to him for spiritual guidance.

According to the indictment, he had consensual intercourse, sodomized and committed indecent acts on a 15-year-old girl. Deutsch denied the allegations against him, claiming they are false.

According to the indictment filed to the Nazareth District Court, the first incident occurred in 2008, when a 15-year-old girl arrived at Deutsch's home, asking him for a blessing to improve her health condition. The rabbi had allegedly ordered the teenager to "touch his body and sexual organ reasoning that energies will pass from his body to hers in such a way and cure her," the indictment stated.

When the girl was restored to health she wished to thank the rabbi in a letter and repay him for his help. According to the indictment, the rabbi offered the girl "to renew their relationship." Deutsch allegedly also had sexual intercourse with the teen and sodomized her.

"The complainant asked the accused on a number of occasions whether these acts were permitted,' the statement read. The rabbi calmed the girl down and told her "it was God's will.

"The suspect told the complainant she was his wife in a previous life" in another attempt to rationalize his actions to the girl.

Deutsch has been charged with forbidden consensual sexual intercourse, sodomy and committing indecent acts on the 15-year-old girl. Moreover, he has been accused of committing indecent acts on the girl's 13-year cousin, and assaulted two other boys, aged 13 and 14.

In regards to the 13-year-old cousin, the rabbi allegedly asked her once if she knew "what to do when you're in love?" and on another occasion hugged and kissed her. He has been accused of committing an indecent act.

As for the accusation the rabbi assaulted two young boys, the indictment stated Deutsch demanded the 13-year-old, a friend of the rabbi's son, expose himself before him. In other cases, Deutsch kissed the teen against his will and exposed himself to him.

When the rabbi hosted a 14-year-old boy in his house over the 2011 Sukkot holiday, Deutsch allegedly preformed indecent acts on him on several occasions.

The investigation against rabbi Deutsch began over a year ago, and he was arrested for a week in December of 2010.

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